Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Temazi was a planet located in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in proximity to the borders of the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

History and specifics[]

This world was the homeworld of the Temazi civilization. (EV comics: "Thanatos", "Nemesis")

Template image. This article is a stub relating to a planet, moon or planetoid. You can help our database by expanding on it.



planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) (2243-2264)
Robert April's command (2243-2251) EarthRomulan planetoidTarsus IVFaramondPerrican homeworldAlpha Tau IVGandarShakirVulcanNa'relUrsa IIUsildeSignaraMan-us II
Christopher Pike's command (2251-2264) EarthGS391AretaFilos IVMagefferus IIIPharos siteworldRigel VIITalos IVJupiterWorldnetGamma Gemini IVDarien 224PrairieNeyda PrimeLiriaJubalTheta KalybAlgol IITemaziAronniaDeverniaCorinthia VIICypria IIIBeta TrilochusKalajia VIIEridiosCronariBeta IISusquataneDefoeSkon's WorldK'davuPragine 63EarthKiley 279Persephone IIIHetemit IXFinibus IIIMajalisEpheskaValeo Beta VOutpost 4PrylliaIllyriaVulcanRobina VIIBardeezi PrimeCajitar IVRigel VIIKerkhovKrulmuth-BParnassus Beta
Star Trek: Early Voyages
comics: "Flesh of My Flesh" • "The Fires of Pharos" • "Our Dearest Blood" • "Nor Iron Bars a Cage" • "Cloak & Dagger" • "Cloak and Dagger, Part 2" • "The Flat, Gold Forever" • "Immortal Wounds" • "One of a Kind" • The Fallen • "Futures, Part One" • "Future Tense" • "Futures, Part Three" • "Now and Then" • "Thanatos" • "Nemesis"
related works: episodes: "The Cage" • "The Menagerie" • DSC season 2Short Treks: "Q&A", "The Trouble with Edward", "Ask Not" • Star Trek: Strange New Worldsnovels: Vulcan's GloryThe Captain's Table: Where Sea Meets SkyBurning DreamsDSC: The Enterprise Warrelated comics: "To Walk the Night" • "Captain's Log: Pike"
main characters: Christopher PikeNumber OnePhillip BoyceSpockJosé TylerNanoMoves-With-Burning-GraceSita MohindasGabrielle CarlottiMia ColtNils Pitcairn
recurring characters: Robert AprilDermot CusackKaaj, son of TorgVirkaKirShane SamsonJames T. KirkMontgomery ScottChang
ships and places: USS Enterprise
IKS VarchasUSS CortezUSS NelsonBountyUSS Enterprise-AUSS Excelsior
Algol IIDarien 224EarthMarrat NebulaStarbase 45TemaziTheta Kalyb
races and cultures: HumanVulcanKlingonLirinNgultorChakuunTemazi
writers and artists: Dan AbnettIan EdgintonPatrick ZircherGreg AdamsMichael CollinsSteve Moncuse

