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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Temporal destroyers

Mirror universe temporal destroyers.

Enterprise tem

temporal department patch

For the primary universe counterpart, see temporal science vessel.

The temporal destroyer was a starship type developed by the Terran Empire's Imperial Starfleet in the 29th century. The 25th century prime universe-based Alpha Quadrant Alliance became aware of its existence during the conflict with the Tholian Assembly in the Azure Nebula. (STO - Legacy of Romulus missions: "Temporal Ambassador", "Spin the Wheel")

History and specifications[]

The Alpha Quadrant Alliance first encountered the temporal science vessels during conflict with the Tholian Assembly in the Azure Nebula. The Tholians had captured starships from other time periods and timelines in order to gain an advantage. The Ferengi-operated Lobi Crystal Consortium found some of these ships, though stripped of their most futuristic technology, and sold them to AQA captains through the temporal lock box. (STO - Legacy of Romulus missions: "Temporal Ambassador", "Spin the Wheel")

A task force from the 29th century joined forces with Admiral Leeta in 2409, making their ships and technology available to ensure their future came to pass. (STO mission: "Message from Another Universe I")

In 2410, tier 6-rated versions of the 29th century temporal destroyers became available to AQA commanding officers by way of Lobi Crystal Consortium's infinity lock boxes. (STO - Season 14.5 mission: "Spin the Wheel")

While the Klingons and Romulans had been subjugated by the Terran Empire, they continued to produce their own ships in the 29th century, including counterparts to Starfleet temporal science vessels. (STO - Legacy of Romulus missions: "Temporal Ambassador", "Spin the Wheel")


Imperial Starfleet
Mobius-class (tier 5) • Klein-class (tier 6)
Allied Klingon ship
Krenn-class (tier 5) • Chargh'poH-class (tier 6)
Allied Romulan warbird
Talvath-class (tier 5) • Tal'aura-class (tier 6)



Starship classification
By type argosyassault cruiserassault shipattack cruiserattack fighterbattlecruiserbattle frigatebattleshipbird-of-preybombercargo transportcarriercolony shipcombat support tendercommand battlecruiserconstruction shipcorsaircorvettecouriercruisercutterdestroyerdreadnoughtescortexplorerfast attack shipfast cruiserflagshipfreighterfrigatefuel shipgunboatheavy cruiserheavy destroyerheavy escorthospital shipin-system courierliaison cutterlight cruiserlight frigatemedical frigatemedium cruisermining freightermissile cruisermonitormulti-mission explorerpassenger linerpatrol cruiserpersonnel carrierpilot escortprison bargerepair tenderresearch vesselresearch cruiserrunaboutscience vesselscience spearheadscoutsleeper shipstar battleshipstar cruiserstrike cruisersuper carriersuper-heavy cruisersupport frigatesurveyortankertendertimeshiptransporttugwarbirdwarpshuttleweapon ship

Template image.
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