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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Ouroboros class ortho

Ouroboros-class temporal raider.

The temporal raider was a 31st century Federation starship classification, a timeship geared for combat during Temporal Wars engagements until the 3060s[1] decade. (STO website: Agents of Yesterday: 31st Century Ship Stats, STO - Klingon War mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")

History and specifications[]

The temporal raider was a raider-tye escort vessel combined with timeship capabilities.

31st century starships

Federation timeships.

In the 31st century, Starfleet fielded the Ouroboros-, Chronos- and Eternal-class timeships, which were geared for combat operations in the Temporal Cold War and related conflicts. These were based on the 29th century Wells-class temporal science vessels. The Ouroboros temporal raider was designed to strike fear in the heart of its enemies. (STO website: Agents of Yesterday: 31st Century Ship Stats)

Federation temporal ship classes were meant to protect the integrity of the timeline and uphold the Temporal Accords, signed in 2769. (STO - Future Proof mission: "Time and Tide")

In its capabilities and maneuverability, the temporal raiders were reminiscent of the Klingon Defense Force Klingon bird-of-prey and unaffiliated raider classes of the 2400s and 2410s decades. (STO - Klingon Sector mission: "The Hunt is On")

The Federation Temporal Agency and Starfleet deployed temporal raiders to protect the USS Enterprise-J and combat the Temporal Liberation Front during the Battle of Procyon V in the 26th century. (STO - Future Proof missions: "Ragnarok", "Battle of Procyon V")

Timot Danlen of the FTA also made temporal raiders available to 25th century commanding officers who had been recruited as temporal agents. (STO - Agents of Yesterday mission: "The Once and Future Agent")

When the Temporal Wars were over, time travel technology was dismantled, which occurred at some point before the Burn in 3069. (DSC episodes: "That Hope Is You, Part 1", "Die Trying")

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline where the Temporal Defense Grid was not established, nimble timeships frequently attacked targets in the Temporal Wars. 25th century Certoss fighters could traverse centuries in moments to raid planetary locations from within the atmosphere. In turn, the Temporal Intervention Agency employed defending vessels that could engage such raiders and lead counter-attacks.

On Day 266 in the year 3051, a pair of Certoss fighters attacked a plaza in London. One was destroyed by defending vessels, and the other pursued into the 25th century by the TIA controllers. (DTI eBook: The Collectors)



Starship classification
By type argosyassault cruiserassault shipattack cruiserattack fighterbattlecruiserbattle frigatebattleshipbird-of-preybombercargo transportcarriercolony shipcombat support tendercommand battlecruiserconstruction shipcorsaircorvettecouriercruisercutterdestroyerdreadnoughtescortexplorerfast attack shipfast cruiserflagshipfreighterfrigatefuel shipgunboatheavy cruiserheavy destroyerheavy escorthospital shipin-system courierliaison cutterlight cruiserlight frigatemedical frigatemedium cruisermining freightermissile cruisermonitormulti-mission explorerpassenger linerpatrol cruiserpersonnel carrierpilot escortprison bargerepair tenderresearch vesselresearch cruiserrunaboutscience vesselscience spearheadscoutsleeper shipstar battleshipstar cruiserstrike cruisersuper carriersuper-heavy cruisersupport frigatesurveyortankertendertimeshiptransporttugwarbirdwarpshuttleweapon ship


External links[]

Starship classification
By type argosyassault cruiserassault shipattack cruiserattack fighterbattlecruiserbattle frigatebattleshipbird-of-preybombercargo transportcarriercolony shipcombat support tendercommand battlecruiserconstruction shipcorsaircorvettecouriercruisercutterdestroyerdreadnoughtescortexplorerfast attack shipfast cruiserflagshipfreighterfrigatefuel shipgunboatheavy cruiserheavy destroyerheavy escorthospital shipin-system courierliaison cutterlight cruiserlight frigatemedical frigatemedium cruisermining freightermissile cruisermonitormulti-mission explorerpassenger linerpatrol cruiserpersonnel carrierpilot escortprison bargerepair tenderresearch vesselresearch cruiserrunaboutscience vesselscience spearheadscoutsleeper shipstar battleshipstar cruiserstrike cruisersuper carriersuper-heavy cruisersupport frigatesurveyortankertendertimeshiptransporttugwarbirdwarpshuttleweapon ship