Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurb)[]

A new ship
A new captain
A new danger

Hikaru Sulu, newly installed as captain of the U.S.S. Excelsior, has his baptism of fire in this adventure. Joining him to solve the mystery of a vanished cache of dangerous weaponry are his old compatriots on the U.S.S. Enterprise.

"It's... a human drama of old friendships and the testing of new relationships, of the obsession with power and the search for the coexistence of infinite diversity in infinite combinations. And for me personally, it is an enormously satisfying tale of the emergence of the indomitable team of two starship captains working in dynamic concert with each other -- the grizzled war horse, James Tiberius Kirk, and a new leader stepping out on his own from Kirk's tutelage, Hikaru Sulu.

"Howie Weinstein is a storyteller of compelling power and delicate nuance. With Tests of Courage, he has written a rip-snorting blast of a space opera."

George Takei
From his introduction



External Links[]

Media featuring the USS Excelsior (NCC-2000) under Captain Hikaru Sulu
episodes/movies The Undiscovered CountryFlashback
novels The Undiscovered CountryThe Fearful SummonsThe Captain's DaughterThe Ashes of EdenStarfleet AcademyThe Captain's Table: War DragonsThe Lost Era: The SunderedExcelsior: Forged in FireFlashbackThe Lost Era: One Constant StarBurning Dreams
short stories "Dilithium Is a Girl's Best Friend"
comics Tests of Courage (The Tabukan Syndrome)A Wolf in Cheap Clothing (1234) • Captain's Log: SuluThe Undiscovered CountryThe Veteran
Captain Sulu Adventures
games Shattered Universe
characters Hikaru SuluPavel ChekovJanice RandDmitri ValtaneLeonard James AkaarLojurTuvokAltos Viger