Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Illyrian Enigma is a 4-issue limited comic series from IDW Publishing set between seasons one and two of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. The issues were collected in the miniseries omnibus in October 2023.


Journey to new reaches in this exclusive comic tie-in set between seasons one and two of the fan-favorite Paramount+ series!
With Una accused of unlawful genetic modification by Starfleet, Captain Pike sets out in search of evidence that could prove her innocence. But, when Captain Pike and the crew of the Enterprise get caught in the Pryllia colony, home to the illusive Illyrians, the mission objective quickly shifts from gathering evidence to exonerate Una to… breaking out.
From the mighty pens of Trek duo Kirsten Beyer and Mike Johnson (Picard - stargazer, Discovery - Adventures in the 32nd Century, Light of Kahless, and more!) with art by Megan Levens (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Trek: The Mirror War - Troi).




Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (SNW) Series title image.
episodes season 1 "Strange New Worlds" • "Children of the Comet" • "Ghosts of Illyria" • "Memento Mori" • "Spock Amok" • "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach" • "The Serene Squall" • "The Elysian Kingdom" • "All Those Who Wander" • "A Quality of Mercy"
season 2 "The Broken Circle" • "Ad Astra Per Aspera" • "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" • "Among the Lotus Eaters" • "Charades" • "Lost in Translation" • "Those Old Scientists" • "Subspace Rhapsody" • "Under the Cloak of War" • "Hegemony"
comics The Illyrian Enigma ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 3" • "Issue 4") • The Scorpius Run ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 3" • "Issue 4" • "Issue 5")
(novels and stories)
The High CountryAsylum


Publication history[]
previous comic:
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds next comic:
The Scorpius Run

External link[]
