Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


Part I[]

The USS Enterprise is drawn back to Starbase 11 after receiving an urgent message from Fleet Captain Christopher Pike. On arrival at Starbase 11, they find that Pike is severely crippled with radiation burns, and is unable to move or communicate, and is confined to a wheel chair.

While Captain Kirk and Commodore Mendez attempt to solve the mystery, Commander Spock secretly has Pike transported up to the Enterprise, and orders a course for Talos IV. Kirk and Mendez manage to catch-up to the Enterprise via shuttlecraft, and Spock hands himself over for a court martial. However, the Enterprise is locked on a course for Talos IV.

Part II[]

The court martial hearing against Commander Spock begins, with Commodore Mendez, Captain Kirk, and Fleet Captain Pike sitting on the board. As the hearing begins, they receive a visual representation from the Talosians of the events surrounding the USS Enterprise's previous visit to Talos IV in 2254.

After the board is shown all of the events, Commodore Mendez was revealed to be a Talosian illusion, hence the court-martial was meaningless, and was created to convince Captain Kirk of Spock's mission. Realising that Spock has risked his career to bring Pike to a place where he can have the illusion of a full and happy life, Kirk allows Pike to beam down to Talos IV. Meanwhile Starfleet is also made aware of the situation via images received from Talos IV, and decides to suspend General Order VII forbidding contact on this occasion. Further Starfleet decides that no action was contemplated against Spock.



Part I characters[]

Phillip BoyceJ. Mia ColtGarrisonBill HadleyBeggs HansenTheodore Haskins (illusion)HumboltJames T. KirkRyan LeslieLeonard McCoyJosé MendezJosé Mendez (illusion)Number OneChristopher PikePiper (Starbase 11)Nils PitcairnMontgomery ScottSpockJosé TylerNyota UhuraValdiniVinaVinci[1]Sam YamataThe MagistrateUSS Enterprise computer
Referenced only
Robert ComsolHelen Johansson

Part II characters[]

Phillip BoyceClifford BrentJ. Mia ColtGarrisonBill HadleyBeggs HansenHarrison (Lieutenant)Theodore Haskins (illusion)James T. KirkRyan LeslieLeonard McCoyJosé Mendez (illusion)Number OneChristopher PikeNils PitcairnMontgomery ScottSpockTango (illusion)José TylerNyota UhuraValdiniVinaSam YamataThe MagistrateKaylar (illusion)

Novelization characters[]

Phillip BoyceJ. Mia ColtTheodore Haskins (illusion)Number OneChristopher PikeSpockJosé TylerVinaThe Magistrate
Referenced only

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • Picasso (class F shuttlecraft)
Referenced only
class J starship


Starbase 11

Races and cultures[]




  • The Turkish translation of the James Blish novelization replaces Pike and his crew with Kirk's crew. Uhura and Rand take the places of Number One and Colt, while Jose Tyler becomes "Jose Sulu".

Related media[]

  • The Cage (TOS episode) - The events of The Enterprise's visit to Talos IV were originally told in this episode.


Video releases[]



Media featuring Christopher Pike
Episodes and movies The Original Series The CageThe Menagerie
Movies Star TrekkStar Trek Into Darknessk
Discovery Will You Take My Hand?BrotherNew EdenPoint of LightAn Obol for CharonSaints of ImperfectionThe Sound of ThunderLight and ShadowsIf Memory ServesProject DaedalusThe Red AngelPerpetual InfinityThrough the Valley of ShadowsSuch Sweet Sorrow
Short Treks Q&AThe Trouble with EdwardAsk Not
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
Novels Killing TimeaEnterprise: The First AdventureVulcan's GloryLegacyThe RiftWhere Sea Meets SkyBurning DreamsA Less Perfect UnionaThe Children of KingsChild of Two WorldsDesperate HoursThe Enterprise WarThe High Country
Short stories "Conflicting Natures" • "A Private Anecdote" • "Sins of the Mother" • "The Greater Good"m
Comics Early Voyages "Flesh of My Flesh" • "The Fires of Pharos" • "Our Dearest Blood" • "Nor Iron Bars a Cage" • Cloak and Dagger (12) • "The Flat, Gold Forever" • "Immortal Wounds" • "One of a Kind" • The Fallen (12) • "Futures, Part One" • "Future Tense" • "Futures" • "Now and Then" • "Thanatos" • "Nemesis"
Starfleet Academy "Return to the Forbidden Planet" • "A Prelude to War"
Crew "Shadows of the Past" • "The Ends of Eternity"
New Visions "A Scent of Ghosts" • "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner " • "The Cage"
other "All Those Years Ago..." • "To Walk the Night" • "Door in the Cage" • Alien Spotlight Alien Spotlight, Volume I (VulcansOrions) • Mirror Imagesm (1245) • Spock: Reflections, Issue 2Star Trek Movie Adaptationk (23456) • Captain's Log: PikeAftermath (123)
k : Kelvin timelinem : Mirror Universea : alternate reality


published order
Previous episode:
Court Martial
TOS episode produced Next episode:
Shore Leave
Previous episode:
The Corbomite Maneuver
TOS episode aired Next episode:
The Conscience of the King
Previous story:
Journey to Babel
Star Trek 4
Next story:
The Enterprise Incident
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Official Record
Pocket Next Adventure:
After Part I: Burning Dreams
Chapters 10
After Part II: Burning Dreams
Chapters 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 & 21
Previous Adventure:
Official Record
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
(2264 to 2270)
Next Adventure:
Shore Leave

German : Die Menagerie, translated by Hans Maeter. (Williams)
Turkish : Menagerie, translated by Reha Pinar. (Altın Kitaplar)
Japanese : 歪んだ楽園, translated by Haku Saito. (Hayakawa Bunko)
Italian : Lo zoo di Talos, translated by Lella Cucchi. (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore)

External links[]

  1. The character Vinci was not named in the episode but the same actor, wearing the same operations division Starfleet uniform, was addressed as Vinci in TOS episode: "The Devil in the Dark". The same actor also played the character of Clifford Brent.