"The Mirror War, Issue 6" is a comic, the 6th issue of IDW Publishing's comic miniseries, The Mirror War.
At Branch 147 of the Bank of Ferenginar, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance has arrived to make a payment only for Thadiun Okona and his crew to arrive, gassing the aliens and blasting their way through the vaults... just as Jean-Luc Picard and his crew arrive to rob the bank.
After a needlessly long agony booth session, the Inquisitor says that Okona has a genuine admiration for Picard and his intimate knowledge of the captain has allowed the spacer to deduce his next actions and even guess some of Picard's command codes and passcodes. Visiting Okona, Picard reminisces with the thief about their days as privateers before Picard went imperial. Nonetheless, with Okona detained, the Terran Empire now has no competition in getting all the money it needs. On Picard's order, the Nebula-class fleet heads out into the galaxy, warping back to Faundori only when their cargo bays are filled with credits much to the ire of Worf who can feel his power and influence slipping away.
As the credits are unloaded, Picard is contacted by Alynna Nechayev and Savar once again. Impressed with Picard for once, the two inform him that they have found enough personnel to staff his new fleet but demand to know his endgame. After telling them, Picard orders William T. Riker to gather the crew in the main shuttlebay in two hours time. An order that confuses both the XO and Elizabeth Shelby. The Picard they knew fought for the good of Terrans. But an audience appeals more to the glory of Jean-Luc Picard than anything else.
On a suitably dramatic stage, Picard reveals the good news to the crew. The fleet is ready. And with it, the Terran Empire will not strike at fringe colonies, under-defended shipyards or mining outposts. They will destroy Cardassia Prime and Qo'noS. And under eager cheers, the new Terran fleet launches.
As the ISS Enterprise-D sails towards Cardassia Prime, Picard has a walk with Okona who argues that he can be of use to the captain, arguing that Picard needs every capable hand he can. Though Picard concedes the point, he has no use for Okona himself, finally putting an end to the smuggler by flushing him out an airlock...
- Bog • Reginald Barclay • Beverly Crusher • Wesley Crusher • Data • Elim Garak • Grom • Geordi La Forge • Merrizan • Alynna Nechayev • Thadiun Okona • Jean-Luc Picard • Gregory Quinn • William T. Riker • Savar • Elizabeth Shelby • Tador • Deanna Troi • Lian T'Su • Worf
Starships and vehicles[]
- ISS Cronus (Nebula-class) • ISS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • ISS Hyperion (Nebula-class) • ISS Indiana (Nebula-class) • Kogar (Cardassian freighter)
Races and cultures[]
- Andorian • android • Betazoid • Cardassian • Ferengi • Human • Klingon • Okona's species • Vulcan
- Branch 147 • Faundori
- Referenced only
- Baggo Meer • Cardassia Prime • Qo'noS