Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


From the back cover

The Cardassians live in a resource-poor system, surrounded by neighbors who have much more. The envy at the heart of Cardassian drive is "The Slow Knife." by James Swallow.


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This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.



ArlalElim GarakLaen EnkoaHannoSanir KeinLleyeMatrikRelawTelsoMeka Tunol
Referenced only

Starships and vehicles[]

CDS Fell (Galor-class) • CDS Karsu (Galor-class) • CDS Lakar (Zhoden-class) • CDS RekkelUSS Rutledge
Referenced only
CDS Gholen


KelrabiSunzekSetlik IIISetlik systemTantok Nor
Referenced only
Barrica ValleyBajor sectorCardassia PrimeDorvan sectorKelrabi IXTong Beak NebulaTorros Minor

Races and cultures[]

Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Cardassian Eighth OrderCardassian UnionStarfleetTalarian RepublicUnited Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Breen ConfederacyCardassian Central CommandDetapa CouncilObsidian Order

Other references[]

cela teadaldalinGalor BannerglinnguljagulkanarlekRokassa juicetractor beamtransportertrilithium torpedoueppa rodsyamok sauce


Related stories[]


published order
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Reservoir Ferengi
Seven Deadly Sins Next story:
The Unhappy Ones
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Stories by:
James Swallow
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Most recent Star Trek work
chronological order
Previous adventure:
Double Time
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
Chapter 8, Sections 2-4, Chapter 4, Section 3, and Chapter 6, Section 4