Through the Mirror, Issue 4 is the fourth issue of IDW Publishing's The Next Generation comic, Through the Mirror.
- Finally, Mirror Picard's plot is revealed! It's the Enterprise's crew versus Enterprise crew, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance!
- Previously in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through the Mirror :
- The Mirror Universe versions of Lieutenant Barclay and Counselor Troi have infiltrated the Enterprise-D! Mirror Barclay set to work on a bit of sabotage, sending a falsified message to lure the Enterprise to the Martorelles Array, a deep-space Starfleet listening post. But what is Inquisitor Troi up to.
As the USS Enterprise-D drops out of warp at the Martorelles Array, Wesley Crusher reports it is jamming all communications and scans which has made him unable to confirm Admiral Paris' orders. What he has been able to gleam from the message however is that its point of origin and date of transmission were not consistent with the date and where Paris is supposed to be. All signs indicate that this is almost certainly a trap.
In a turbolift, Data and Riker discuss the duplicates they witnessed on the Shashpar and how they may be responsible for all the unexplained activity. The two decide to seek Counselor Troi's aid in the matter only for the computer to register her presence at two locations, both in her quarters and in engineering. Deciding the one in engineering is the duplicate, the two run off. In engineering, the Inquisitor manipulates the system to fake a warp core breach before Barclay arrives and the two beam away, in time for Commander Riker to witness their departure.
Rematerializing in the array, the two are greeted by their crew with Picard eagerly considering the potential of their victory. Thanks to Data's discovery of how to transport across universes and La Forge repurposing the Martorelles Array into a transporter, the Terran Empire can soon enjoy a fleet of Galaxy-class warships that will not only crush the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance but place Picard at the head of their own empire. And with the USS Enterprise soon evacuated, they will have the first of their many new trophies.
Minutes pass and the Enterprise has yet to detach a single escape pod. As the Terrans argue and point fingers, their counterparts beam over, having quickly detected the sabotage. Picard is darkly amused and dares his Federation counterpart to make a move...that is...if he has the fortitude.
- Reginald Barclay (mirror) • Beverly Crusher (mirror) • Wesley Crusher • Wesley Crusher (mirror) • Data • Data (mirror) • Geordi La Forge • Geordi La Forge (mirror) • Jean-Luc Picard • Jean-Luc Picard (mirror) • William T. Riker • William T. Riker (mirror) • Deanna Troi (mirror) • Worf
- Referenced only
- Reginald Barclay • Jones (mirror) • Owen Paris • Deanna Troi
Starships & Vehicles[]
- Martorelles Array
Races and cultures[]
- Android • Betazoid • Human • Klingon • Terran (mirror)
States and Organizations[]
- Imperial Starfleet • Klingon-Cardassian Alliance • Starfleet • Terran Empire • United Federation of Planets
Ranks and Titles[]
Related Media[]
previous comic: Through the Mirror, Issue 3 Ripe for Plunder, Chapter Three |
The Next Generation (Through the Mirror) | next comic: Through the Mirror, Issue 5 Ripe for Plunder, Chapter Five |
External link[]
Through the Mirror, Issue 4 article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.