Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Tokhan was a planet, located in the Abilakk Alpha star system in the Origin sector of the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

Alternate realities[]

By the 23rd century in the Kelvin timeline, the Tokhan vicinity was in space claimed by the Tholian Assembly. (ST video game: Fleet Command)



Tholian territory (worlds and stars/systems)
prime reality Baras BannoqChakuunCentrelis (only a part if it's orbit) • Chryson (Chryson IChryson II) • Danter (only a part if it's orbit) • Dutton (Dutton IInspiration Rock) • Kim system (Kim IKim IIKim IIIKim IV) • PraetusPribishQilydraShandrak (Shandrak IShandrak IIShandrak II-AShandrak II-BShandrak II-CShandrak II-DShandrak III) • Shushan (Shushan IShushan IIShushan IIIShushan IVShushan IV-AShushan VShushan VI) • Tambor (Tambor ITambor II) • Tholian system (Tholia) • Vashti (Vashti IVashti IIVashti IIIVashti IV) • Xerxes system (Xerxes IXerxes IIXerxes IIIXerxes III-AXerxes IV) • Zenstala (Zenstala II) Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image.
Kelvin timeline Abilakk Alpha (TemvuzilTenzinThyzinTokhan) • Abilakk BetaAdia Alpha (TaesotTefghatTerxaTobarei) • Adia BetaAnzat AlphaAnzat BetaAylus AlphaAylus BetaHrojost AlphaHrojost BetaTazolka AlphaTazolka BetaTemeri AlphaTemeri BetaTezera AlphaTezera BetaTholus AlphaTholus BetaTholus GammaThosz AlphaThosz Beta
mirror universe Delta Neezott (Delta Neezott III) • RudelliaVandenVintaak
Origin sector
Bolian systems Burran AlphaBurran BetaStilhe AlphaStilhe BetaBarasa AlphaBarasa BetaBaraza GammaBolari AlphaBolari BetaKolava AlphaKolava BetaQeyma AlphaQeyma BetaAsiti AlphaAsiti BetaParturi AlphaParturi BetaBrijac AlphaBrijac Beta Bolian icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Breen systems Beku Alpha (Tari, Beku Prime, Mur, Yorep) • Beku BetaBer'Tho AlphaBer'Tho BetaBimasa AlphaBimasa BetaBrellan AlphaBrellan BetaBrellan GammaDuportas AlphaDuportas BetaGelida AlphaGelida BetaNujord AlphaNujord BetaSaldeti AlphaSaldeti BetaZamaro AlphaZamaro Beta Breen icon image.
Corvallen systems Comst AlphaComst BetaAonad AlphaAonad BetaOtima AlphaOtima BetaRuhe AlphaRuhe BetaAvansa AlphaAvansa BetaThaylen AlphaThaylen BetaRoshar AlphaRoshar BetaCorva AlphaCorva BetaCorva GammaCrios AlphaCrios Beta Non-aligned icon image.
Suliban systems Tefkari AlphaTefkari BetaVantar AlphaVantar BetaInnlasn AlphaInnlasn BetaNyrheimur AlphaNyrheimur BetaNyrheimur GammaFramtid AlphaFramtid BetaKlefaski AlphaKlefaski AlphaEldur AlphaEldur BetaHrojost AlphaHrojost BetaHelvi AlphaHelvi Beta Non-aligned icon image.
Tholian systems Abilakk Alpha (TemvuzilTenzinThyzinTokhan) • Abilakk BetaAdia Alpha (TaesotTefghatTerxaTobarei) • Adia BetaAnzat AlphaAnzat BetaAylus AlphaAylus BetaHrojost AlphaHrojost BetaTazolka AlphaTazolka BetaTemeri AlphaTemeri BetaTezera AlphaTezera BetaTholus AlphaTholus BetaTholus GammaThosz AlphaThosz Beta Tholian icon image.
Trill systems Perim AlphaPerim BetaHoobishan AlphaHoobishan BetaEzala AlphaEzala BetaMak'ala AlphaMak'ala BetaMak'ala GammaZhian AlphaZhian BetaTriss AlphaTriss BetaLenara AlphaLenara BetaTigan AlphaTigan BetaVemira AlphaVemira Beta Trill icon image.

