Toluk was a 23rd century Vulcan man who served as an ambassador.
Prior to 2254, Toluk visited Neyda Prime. He became known to Magistrate Holan and the Neyda Prime Judicial Bureau.
In 2254, Toluk agreed to serve as legal counsel and defense attorney for Philip Boyce, after the doctor was arrested for murdering one of his patients. Toluk crafted a defense strategy, but was able exonerate Boyce after performing a mind meld with him, discovering that he hosted three katra-like living consciousnesses who took over his body to kill the Neydan. Toluk guided the siras of the three Julthans into a Julthan prayer gem containing neurocrystals able to maintain their existence, and promised to return them to the Julthan Free Worlds. (EV comic: "Immortal Wounds")