Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Tom or Tommy could refer to:

  • People
    • Tom (barber), a barber on the Enterprise-NX, lost in 2153
    • Tom (Gullrey), a citizen of Gullrey acting as an observer on the USS Enterprise
    • Tommy, owner and operator of the Lotus Blossom restaurant
    • Tom Baker, a relative of Clare Raymond
    • Tom Blake, a member of the Maquis
    • Tom Collins, a security officer aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Tom Connolly, a scientist who worked on the Omega molecule under Dr. Bendes Kettaract
    • Tom Galloway, CO of Starbase 24
    • Tom Garrovick, a security officer aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Tom Handy, a resident of Omicron Theta
    • Tom Havers, a Starfleet Academy cadet
    • Tom Kovaks, a relief helmsman aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Tom Krejci, a crewman aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Tom Mahoney, a casualty of the Dominion War
    • Tom Markel, CO of the SS Ariel
    • Tom Markham, an engineer aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Tom McLaury, a member of the Clanton gang at the O.K. Corral
    • Tom Mix, a 20th century Westerns film actor
    • Tom Nellis, XO of the USS Antares
    • Tom Paris, CO of the USS Mercury, former XO of the USS Voyager
    • Tom Riker, a.k.a. Thomas Riker, a transporter duplicate of William T. Riker
    • Tom Schmidt, a Borg expert and xenobiologist
    • Tom Walker, a bartender at Starbase Vanguard
    • Tommy Denton, son of Randy and Millie Denton
    • Tommy Dorsey, a 20th century musician
    • Tommy McLaughlin, a childhood friend of James T. Kirk
    • Tommy Raymond, son of Clare Raymond
    • Tommy Singer, a helmsman during the maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise-B
    • Tommy Starnes, a resident of Triacus
    • Tommy Tsouratakis, a resident of Brooklyn, New York on Earth
    • Tommy Watson, a resident of Utopia Planitia in the 2360s
  • Fictional entities
    • Tom's Bakery, a business in a Dixon Hill holodeck program
    • Tom Rivard, a thief in Worf's Ancient West holodeck program
  • Other topics
  • Real-world topics
This is a disambiguation page — a navigational aid which lists pages that might otherwise share the same title. If an article link referred you here, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
