Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
"My fathers and fathers before me have traveled the River of Pain. I know that the courage is in my blood, and I am not afraid."

Torghn, son of Kmpok was a Klingon warrior in the House of SepIch.

His ancestors conquered Taganika, and were the inspiration for the Klingon opera qul tuq.


When he was young, he went through the warrior's Rite of Ascension. The night before that, he was sleeping calmly while his younger brother Qua'lon could not sleep. As he told to his brother the next morning, he had no fear because the courage of their ancestors was in his blood.

He was a friend and ally of Gowron and fought together for the Klingon Empire.


Some time after Torghn lost his father, and was supposed to return to rule his House, he went to a mission with Gowron when they met beautiful K'Tar. Although they both loved her, and Gowron could use his authority to win her, he continued his war campaign and let Torghn return to his home with her. With K'Tar he had a son, Pok. However he had some enemies and rivals, such as neighboring Vok.

During his rule as head of the house, the Empire changed and recognised that they should give up some of his power, including the planets their ancestors conquered, in the name of honor and the good of the Empire; a view not shared by other Klingons of Taganika.

At his son's Rite of Ascension, Torghn praised his son for hunting and killing the largest TKnag and presented him proudly to his guests. He greeted his old ally, Gowron, making his guards coming in front of him when Torghn made a move to approach him, and Gowron sent them away. They spoke about the old days and Torghn introduced his son to him.

Torghn ordered his son to bring them food, and they saw him tripping and dropping his grifts, and the two elders retrained their laugh. Vok insulted Pok for this, and Gowron had to restrain Torghn, who started to move. K'Tar came to Pok's support, and again Gowron held him when Vok insulted her, asking if her aggressive moves were mating rituals.

Vok retreated to another chamber, and Torghn with Gowron went to the dining table, where they were joined by Qua'lon. Gowron offered the boy a seat near his father. At Gowron's prompt, Torghn nodded to K'Tar to bring the Pok's presents. The first contained the musical score of qul tuq, and everyone was disappointed that Pok was not familiar with the score, with Torghn admitting that he taught him more hunting that singing.

The second box opened was that from Gowron, which contained a big Acta crystal that impressed father and son. Torghn leaned forward to stare at it, and expressed his admiration for it to Gowron.


Right then, a Romulan assassin probe emerged from the box; Torghn's last words were to warn the others. The hunter killer rotated until it aimed at Gowron's heart; then Torghn leapt in front of him and took the fatal hit to his chest, and fell on the table.

Gowron removed the probe from his friend's body to study it. K'Tar also came and held his hand. Qua'lon killed Vok for vengeance, accusing him for the crime but Gowron said it was not enough. He swore a blood oath to find all those responsible, cut his hand, and slapped his bloodied palm on Torghn's chest, and he was joined by Pok. (ST novel: Klingon)
