Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A robot in the form of a truck and tractor trailer.

A truck was a vehicle used to transport cargo, and they often frequented truck stops.

While on Earth in the 1980s, Optimus Prime scanned a truck to serve as his alternate mode. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Issue 2")

About a generation after 2057, most trucks had solar panels. (DSC episode: "An Obol for Charon")

In the 2250s in the alternate timeline created by Nero's incursion to the year 2233, hovertrucks, which were trucks capable of levitating above the ground, were quite common and were used by the San Francisco Fire Department. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent)

In 2266, Montgomery Scott compared the Neesan armadillo a Kovar was riding to an armored truck. (TOS comic: "The Cosmic Cavemen")

On stardate 5892.7, upon seeing Optimus Prime's vehicle mode, Captain Kirk, though not entirely sure if he was using the word correctly, explained what a truck was to Shiboline M'Ress. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Prime's Directive, Part One")

Miles O'Brien used a small truck to transport and store his engineering tools. (DS9 novel: Objective: Bajor)

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