Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Tyra was a trinary star system located in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant. (ST reference: Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library)

History and specifics[]

The system's primary was a K class star, the secondary was a M class star, and the tertiary was an A class star. (ST reference: Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library)

As of the 24th century, in the 2340s decade, this star and its system had yet to be explored by the major states of the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant. (ST video game: Infinite)

The Tyra star system with randomly generated system makeup has a chance of occurring outside of player characters' territories in each campaign of ST video game: Infinite.

In 2374, during the Dominion War, Tyra was the location of the Battle of Tyra. Ninety-eight Federation starships of the Starfleet 7th Fleet were destroyed by the Dominion forces, with only fourteen Starfleet vessels surviving. (DS9 episode: "A Time to Stand", DS9 - The Dominion War novelization: Call to Arms...)

The USS Lexington was among the fourteen ships that survived and escaped the Tyra system. The Setlik system was later attacked to even out the losses at Tyra. (SCE eBook: War Stories, Book 1)

System setup[]

Tyra primary
  • Tuyob
  • Fakunui
  • Oalac
  • Uiqi
  • Zegab



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (T)
TabukTagusTahniva 311TajarhiTakanTakanarraTakoiTak'vorTaladiTalarTaldoraTalbotTalgatTaliTal'Ihnor GatesTalinTalithaTallusTalnaTalonTaloraTalquosTamarosTamborTamporaTanarTanarisTaniaTandorianTantalusTantamonTanugaTaojiTaosTaranTaranaTarandaTardalTareelTarettTarfTariaxTarilaTaris SetiTarletusTarnakTarquoleseTarsusTartanaTartarusTasoxTasusTau BetaTau GammaTau OmegaTau SerpentisTau ZetaTaureanTauro-34TautallusTauteeTaxakTaygetaTazTaziokTaziorT'BorT'DakkaTe AwamutuTechnisTedaraTejatTekianTekielTek'rethTelcosusTelepTellionTeloraTelumTeluridianTem DaraanTemarisTemaziTemirTenakTenaraTendarTendarriTenekratusTenberTeniiraTenorTera DaraanTera LaraTeranaTeranthTerazon-X31TerbaTerebTerellaTergaTerimTerminimurusTerofTeronTerratinTerrellianTervekTervellionTessmataTesumTeth'torvaTevronTewaTezel-OrokoTezionThabitThalakThaliaThallusThark-MorkolTharnosTharsisThasusThaxiusTheata LeonisThelonii system (Thelonii) • ThetaTheta 116Theta AnterialTheta BowlesTheta CobriniTheta CygniTheta GammaTheta MajorisTheta MarianaTheta MeesTheta PictorisTheta RillTheta TauThetalianThevosTholusThonolanThorian-VThoris AmarnisThranstorThraxThrazThrellviaThrishiaThubanTHX-1138Tia DaraanTiarenTib'vorTibaTibidexTiereniosTifelTiganTikopaiTiliulTimoniumTimorTimoreTimpekTim'pekTio'pekTir KapovTira DaraanTirianTirosTir'taraTitanTitaniasTithadiTizumT'KarT'LaniTlaoliT'lli BetaT'LorTNC-5527TokanTok'BhulTolforTolochonTolorTomanTomb of AnikalistesTomiraTomoraToolianToothy MawTorToradiTorgu-VaToridexTorinTor'ivaraTor'kenTorkorTorobToronaTorrtTortugaTorviirToskaToziuzTozoxTozronT'PorTragerTraklivTra'taraTrab'nethTrabianTrablarTraboxTramzonTranTraxenTrel DaraanTrelebTrelkisTrendirTrellisane-SealonTrennesTri-BetalineTri-Rho NauticaTriaminusTriangelesTriangularisTriebaT'RillTrillbyTriminonTrimirTrinoraTrin'taraTripoliTro'varaTron DaraanTrotorTruaiTrunoxTruth's BaneTruxtunTseenTsihTsugh KhaidnnTszeTufemTulanTulganaTunerTurenTurionTuri'taraTur'vokTurulTutakai system (Tutakai) • T'VantTwisting MawTwobinTyburnTychoTyntTyoloTyrelliTyrtaeusTyrus Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (T) TagraTalosTama/TamarTammeronTarahongTarazedTarvoTasakTau CetiTau CygnaTau BoötisTaurusTegedaarTellarTemeckliaThalosTherbiaTheta AquariiTheta DraconisTheta PegasiTL-9139TohvunTomedTopinTormanTorrosTrelkaTriangulumTrillTrivasTylTyra Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (T) T'AcogTalvathTarodTau CentauriTau DeltaTau LacertaeTegmeniTellunTeneebiaTephreiTerixTessenTeutilT'ghaThalassaThallonTheta CentauriTheta EridaniTheta HydraeTheta IndiTheta KiokisTheta LeonisTheta PavonisTiburonTigelisTikaT'MetToh'kahtT'ongToredarTorekTornaToronTraelusTranome SarTrilithTurkanaTy'Gokor Beta Quadrant icon image.


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