- For the mirror universe counterpart, see Tzenkethi Coalition (mirror).
The Tzenkethi Coalition is a state located in Alpha Quadrant near the Cardassian Union and Ferengi Alliance. The Tzenkethi Coalition is ruled from the capital planet Ab-Tzenketh by the Autarch of the Tzenkethi Coalition, and under the Autarch serve a body of ministers known as the Tzelnira. (ST reference: Star Charts, DS9 episode: "The Adversary", ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
In 2323, the Tzenkethi Coalition denied it was responsible for the destruction of the Cardassian ship Lhemor at the Bajoran Cemba Station. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers)
In the mid-24th century, the Tzenkethi Coalition was engaged in a military conflict with the Federation, known as the Tzenkethi War. (DS9 episode: "The Adversary", ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
First Splinter timeline[]
The Tzenkethi Coalition joined the Typhon Pact in 2381. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny, ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
In 2382, the Tzenkethi attempted to meddle in the affairs of the Talarian Republic by cultivating the growing resentment of the Talarian women. They orchestrated several assassinations and planted misinformation to steer desired candidates into positions of leadership in the rebellious faction. Dezinor was sent to be on Talar to direct operations. Their involvement was discovered by Beverly Crusher after being captured by the women. (ST - Typhon Pact eBook: The Struggle Within)
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- Tzenkethi sector
- Tzenketh system
- Gauran Ja-Tem (industrial border world)
- Kliradon
- M'kemas III (colony)