Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A Tzenkethi raider was a starship used by the Tzenkethi in the 24th century.

Following the destruction of Bajor's Cemba Station in 2323 which the Tzenkethi were suspected of having caused, the Bajoran Space Guard dispatched starships to search for Tzenkethi raiders nearby. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Day of the Vipers)

Tzenkethi raiders were used in a Starfleet Academy training program. Jean-Luc Picard once had to automatically lock weapons on Tzenkethi raiders during the simulation. (TNG - S31 novel: Rogue)

During the Tzenkethi War, the USS Okinawa engaged three Tzenkethi raiders and Captain James Leyton ordered the starship into an asteroid belt into which the Tzenkethi had fled. Benjamin Sisko thought it was a risky move but later commented that Leyton had been right to do so. (DS9 episode: "Paradise Lost")

Around 2360, Declan Keogh was captured by the Tzenkethi and imprisoned aboard a Tzenkethi raider. (DS9 - The Brave and the Bold, Book One novella: The Second Artifact)



Starship classes of the Tzenkethi
By name Broln'taShuk-dinRhas'bejTzen'tar Emblem of the Tzenkethi Coalition.
By type battlecruiserbattleshipcruiserdreadnoughtdreadnought cruiserescortfrigateharriermarauderraiderreinforced shield repair unit

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