Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Ampere (NCC-83675) was a 25th century Federation starship, an Olympic-class research vessel[1] in Starfleet service in the 2410s decade. (STO - Terran Gambit mission: "The Fujiwhara Effect")

Service history and disposition[]

When Terran Emperor Wesley Crusher steered the Other, a living machine entity, towards the Sol star system to destroy it by digitization, the Ampere was one of several ships tasked with evacuating locations in the system.

The Ampere assembled alongside a combined Khitomer Alliance fleet outside of Earth Spacedock in Earth's orbit. As part of the formation, the Ampere moved between the fellow Olympic-class ships USS Lovelace and USS Hooke. As part of Operation: Jupiter, the Ampere was to assist in evacuating Jupiter Station before the Other consumed planet Jupiter. (STO - Terran Gambit mission: "The Fujiwhara Effect")



Olympic-class research science vessel/medical frigate starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
Olympic-class AjaxAmpereAthene DonaldBantingBikoBoyceFleming (24th century)Fleming (25th century)GalenHippocratesHopeHookeLavoisierLovelaceMayoMcClintockMeitnerMooreNobelNobleOlympicOlympic-BPasteurPeaceQuitoSalkTranquilityunnamed Olympic-class starships Federation icon image. Seal of Federation Starfleet icon image.
Hope-subclass HipocratesHopeNobel
Horizon-subclass BaleCopernicusGriffinHorizon
Nobel-subclass Nobel
Terran Empire, Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Olympic-class OlympicOlympus Seal of Imperial Starfleet icon image.
Nobel-subclass Nobel

Appearances and references[]


This section is written
from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta