- For other uses, see Bonhomme Richard.
The USS Bonhomme Richard (also USS Bon Homme Richard or USS Bonne Homme Richard) was a Federation starship, a Constitution-class (of the mk II Bonhomme Richard-subclass) class I/class IX heavy cruiser in service to Starfleet in the 23rd century.
Service history and disposition[]
The Bonhomme Richard (with the registry number NCC-1712) was the first Bonhomme Richard-subclass to be authorized for Starfleet appropriation on stardate 3220. (TOS reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual)
She was eventually built to Mk III (Achernar-subclass) specifications, and entered service on reference stardate 2/0809, with NCC-1776 as an assigned registry number. (TOS reference: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
On stardate 1/9406.05 (c. 2250s), the Bonhomme Richard picked up a homing signal coming from a ship's recorder buoy. The crew retrieved the recorder buoy and discovered that it came from the missing USS Gulliver. The Bonhomme Richard immediately set course for Axanar, transmitting its log and the log of the Gulliver to Starfleet Command, who then contacted the Federation Council. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)
In the late 2250s/early 2260s, James T. Kirk served aboard the Bonne Homme Richard as executive officer. During his service aboard, the ship was assigned to escort treaty software to the Kshatriyan presiding regent, Dom Hauk. Over the course of the mission, Kirk came into contact with Kshatriyan Vice Commodore Uligbar Dar Zotzchen whom, Kirk later remarked, was a "devious son of a bitch, who couldn't be trusted when you're in a hurry." (TOS novel: Corona)
In the early 2270s (stardate 2/1810), the Bonhomme Richard was refit to Mk I Enterprise-subclass specifications. (TOS reference: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)
In 2275, the Bonhomme Richard was one of many vessels that greeted the USS Enterprise, when she returned to Earth from testing the experimental inversion drive. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky)
In 2290, the Bonhomme Richard was under the command of Captain Pollard. It was also Valeris's first assignment after graduating Starfleet Academy. (TOS novel: Cast No Shadow)
By the 24th century, the Bonhomme Richard was remembered through a successor vessel, the Nebula-class USS Bonhomme Richard.
- The ship was possibly named for the Earth vessel USS Bonhomme RichardWP, which in 1779, under John Paul Jones, fought the ship HMS SerapisWP in the American Revolution. (TNG novel: Exiles)