Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Cortez.

The USS Cortez was a Federation starship in Starfleet service in the 24th century.

History and specifications[]

In the 2370s decade, Cortez was commanded by Captain Quentin Swofford, and had a crew complement of 400 people.

In the year 2374, the Cortez was a participant in Operation Return. During the journey, the Cortez developed a problem with their port nacelle guidance thruster and had to pull out of formation to make repairs. (DS9 episode: "Favor the Bold", DS9 novelization: ...Sacrifice of Angels)

The Cortez later participated in the battle and sent a message to the USS Defiant, informing Benjamin Sisko that the Dominion forces were retreating. Captain Sisko had Julian Bashir instruct the Cortez and the other ships to proceed to Deep Space 9. (DS9 episode: "Sacrifice of Angels")

Later that year, while patrolling the Cardassian-Federation border, a squadron of Jem'Hadar attack fighters engaged the Cortez. Before her destruction, she emitted a distress call. The Defiant responded to the call, and initiated an unsuccessful search-and-recovery mission for survivors. (DS9 episode: "Far Beyond the Stars")

Crew manifest[]



Ships named Cortez
UFP emblem. USS Cortez (NCC-1834, Miranda-class cruiser)USS Cortez (NCC-536, Saladin-class destroyer)USS Cortes (Nelson-class scout ship)USS Cortez (NCC-4383, Larson-class destroyer)USS Cortes (Oberth-class science vessel)USS Cortez (24th century) Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Starships lost in the Dominion War
Federation Alliance
Federation, Starfleet AdirondackAdmiral StanleyArgent WingAsgardCortezCairoCorinthDefiantFredricksonGeronimoGrissomHickokHonshuKellyLyricMajesticMusashiOgunPathfinderSeattleShirKahrSitakTobiasTraynorValiantValley ForgeWinchester Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force KoragaKortirPaghWorvig x35px icon image.
Romulan Star Empire, Star Navy D'ridthauRom'drex x35px icon image.
Dominion powers
Dominion Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 68Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 91Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser 122Jem'Hadar Fighter 37 Dominion icon image.
Breen Confederacy Braaktak GaalGor KorusGor TevikMegal TaanNistaan BurReel GorvaalReel Tivaan Breen icon image.
Cardassian Union Elokar Cardassian icon image.

Appearances and references[]

External link[]
