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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
WARNING! This article contains MAJOR spoilers for the recently released episode The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel. Caution is advised.

In a parallel universe that appeared at a microscopic scale when interacting with the prime universe, the USS Endeavour was a 24th century Federation starship, an Intrepid-class science vessel in Starfleet service in the 2380s decade. Its commanding officer was Captain Tersal. In the year 2382, the Endeavour endured a month of hell and stranded in the prime universe.

Service history[]

Month of hell

Captain Tersal during the month of hell.

USS Endeavour magnified

The Endeavour under the microscope.

At one point, the USS Endeavour was pulled from its universe, subsequently surviving what Tersal called a month of hel. At stardate 59393.7, the Endeavour found itself aboard the Cosmic Duchess, a massive cruise ship. Its crew devised a plan to use nanites to create a portal from the primary universe into their own. An away team of the USS Cerritos dealt with the nanite swarm as a form of pest control until Lieutenant junior grade Beckett Mariner discovered the Endeavour inside the disabled nanite glump. Captain Tersal hailed Mariner's PADD and pleaded for help after the month of hell.

The Endeavour was transported into a substrate under a microscope aboard the Cerritos, where Captain Tersal spoke with Captain Carol Freeman. Admiral Milius arrived in the lab and announced it was his mission to help return the Endeavour home. (LD episode: "The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel")




Ships named Endeavour
United States of America Endeavour (OV-105, space shuttle) Flag of the United States. United Earth, Earth Starfleet Endeavour (NX-06) Seal of United Earth. Seal of the Earth Starfleet.
Federation, Starfleet USS Endeavour (NCC-06, Columbia-class)USS Endeavour (Icarus-class)USS Endeavor (NCC-1001, Constitution-class)USS Endeavour (NCC-1895, Constitution-class)USS Endeavour (NCC-25330)USS Endeavour (NCC-71805, Nebula-class)USS Endeavor (Norway-class)USS Endeavor (Akira-class)USS Endeavor (Galaxy-class) Seal of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Federation (Kelvin timeline) USS Endeavour (alternate reality) Seal of the United Federation of Planets. Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Endeavour Seal of the Terran Empire.
Intrepid-class cruiser starships
Federation, Starfleet standard configuration ArmstrongBacchusBarbBasieBellerophonBlackthorneBlakeyChristopheDervishDessalinesDolphinEvansGallantGarrisonHaddockHalibutHawkinsHendersonIntrepidIntrepid-AIntrepid-BJeffersonJohnsonJonesKarrLincolnMakoMercutioMingusMonkNelsonOdysseyOliverParkerPathfinderPathfinder-APermitPlungerPollackPufferRenownRochambeauRollinsRosenbergSaganSally RideScorpionShorterStargazerTeagardenThresherToussaintTynerVoyagerWillardZealous Federation icon image. Federation Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Bellerophon-subclass: Bellerophon-APathfinder-BCochrane-subclass: CochraneDiscovery-subclass: DiscoveryOpakaFederation medium cruiser:ElkinsJaneway-subclass: Voyager-JPathfinder-subclass: PathfinderVoyager-BPathyeager-subclass: PathyeagerTrailblazer-subclass: TrailblazerWarship: VoyagerYeager-subclass: Yeager
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Intrepid-AIntrepid-BPathfinderStar TreaderTrailblazerVoyagerWarship: Voyager Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image. Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
(mirror universe)
Voyager Klingon-Cardassian Alliance icon image.

Appearances and references[]


External link[]
