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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Enterprise.
For the mirror universe counterpart, see ISS Enterprise (ICC-1701).
For the Kelvin timeline counterpart, see USS Enterprise.
For the primary universe counterpart, see USS Enterprise (NCC-1701).

In a parallel universe affected by the Kelvin timeline, the USS Enterprise (NC177) was a Federation Constitution-class heavy cruiser in Starfleet service in the mid-23rd century. (TOS - Boldly Go comic: "Issue 15")

Service history[]

In 2263, the Enterprise encountered numerous counterparts of itself, stemming from different alternate realities, in a spatio-temporal anomaly initiated by an unknown intelligence. The NC177 appeared on the viewscreen of another Enterprise, where crew and technology were botanical in nature. Before any introductions could took place, members of the various Enterprise crews were mixed, and scattered as groups across the multiverse. (TOS - Boldly Go comic: "Issue 15")


Ships named Enterprise
United Kingdom of Great Britain HMS EnterprizeHMS Enterprise (1774-1807)HMS Enterprise (1959-1986) UK flag image.
United Kingdom (alternate reality) HMS Enterprise (2260s)
United States of America Enterprise (sloop-of-war)Enterprise (schooner)Enterprise (brig)Enterprise (steamboat)Enterprise (screw sloop)L-5CV-6CVN-65OV-101 N1A US flag image.
United Earth IXS-110XCV-330NX-01 UE flag image.
United Federation of Planets Declaration-classNCC-1701NCC-1701-ANCC-1701-BNCC-1701-CNCC-1701-DNCC-1701-EChimer-classNCC-1701-FNCC-1701-GNCC-1701-J UFP flag image.
Terran Empire (mirror universes) HMS EnterprizeNX-01NCC-1701 (alternate NCC/ICC-1701)NCC-1701-ANCC/ICC-1701-DNCC-1701-ENCC-1701-F Terran flag image.
Galactic Commonwealth (mirror universe) Free Starship Enterprise Terran emblem image.
Federation (Kelvin timeline) NCC-1701 (early 23rd century)NCC-1701NCC-1701-A Emblem of the United Federation of Planets.
Federation (alternate futures) NCC-1701-DNCC-1701-FNCC-1701-JNCC-1701-∞Enterprise (distant future) UFP flag image.
United Earth (alternate realities) SS EnterpriseUESS EnterpriseESS Enterprise UE flag image.
Federation (other alternate realities) FSS EnterpriseUS EnterpriseUSS EnterpriseUSV EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-E UFP flag image.
Interstellar Coalition (alternate reality) ICV Enterprise
Interstellar Union
(alternate timeline)
IUES Enterprise I Seal of the Interstellar Union.
(alternate timeline)
USS Enterprise (NCC-2101) Earthfleet logo.
Constitution-class heavy cruiser flagships (Kelvin timeline)
Federation, Starfleet USS ArlingtonUSS AuroraUSS CairoUSS ConstellationUSS CutlassUSS EnterpriseUSS Enterprise-AUSS ExcaliburUSS ExultantUSS NebulaUSS PaladinUSS PotemkinUSS RangerUSS SentinelUSS VanguardUSS Yorktown Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Starfleet insignia.
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Enterprise Seal of the Terran Empire.