Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Hofmann (NCC-93206) was a Federation starship, a Somerville-class intel science vessel in Starfleet service in the 2410s decade. Its commanding officer was Captain Sh'marois. (STO - J'Ula's Discovery mission: "Beneath the Skin")

Service history[]

In 2410, the Hofmann was part of a fleet defending Andoria. In that year, Captain Sh'marois joined forces with Andorian escorts when Matriarch J'Ula and her House Mo'Kai fleet attacked system with the superweapon aboard the IKS Lukara. Captain Kuumaarke of the LSS Reskava, also present in the system, dispatched an urgent distress call to the Alpha Quadrant Alliance. Sh'marois was keen on saving her homeworld.

By the time an AQA vessel arrived, the Hofmann and Reskava worked to keep the anachronistic Klingons at bay, at the price of at least three Andorian escorts. The AQA decimated the Klingon fleet, and J'Ula retreated after firing the superweapon again cause a rift to the Mycelial network. Using their scientific capabilities, the Hofmann and Reskava investigated the rift. Sh'marois and the other AQA captain swiftly commissioned hologram Papa Sierra Tango, a facsimile of Lieutenant Commander Paul Stamets, a premier astromycologist and privy to Starfleet's classified data of the Mycelial Network and its properties.

The Hofmann deployed an AQA away team, accompanied by Commander Stamets, who had been issued a mobile emitter by Sh'marois, into the Mycelial Network. Following contact with the jahSepp and the Elachi, a corrupted Elachi fleet arrived in the system and engaged Hofmann, Reskava and the Andorian escorts. The AQA crew returned to their vessel and defended the two science vessels as they worked to close the rift to the Mycelial Network. (STO - J'Ula's Discovery mission: "Beneath the Skin")



The vessel may be named for the Human mycologist Albert Hofmann, a Swiss scientist who discovered LSD.

External link[]
