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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Jones.

The USS John Paul Jones (NCC-61001) was a Mission-class starship in service to Starfleet in the 23rd century. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update)


The John Paul Jones was the most famous Mission-class transport, as it disappeared without a trace while ferrying gemstones, leading to all sorts of myths about its fate. (FASA RPG module: Trader Captains and Merchant Princes)

The John Paul Jones was lost or decommissioned sometime prior to the year 2296. That year, Commander Nyota Uhura of the USS Intrepid II instructed Lieutenant Duchamps to hail the then non-existent ship by name, on a frequency that would be overheard by a nearby cloaked Romulan Warbird. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)

This is one of a number of ships to be so named, succeeding the earlier Larson-class USS Jones and followed by another Ambassador Hardin-class USS Jones by the 2360s decade. (FASA RPG modules: Federation Ship Recognition Manual, Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)



Ships named Jones
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. USS Jones (NCC-4468, Larson-class)USS John Paul Jones (Mission-class)USS Ibrahim Jones (Ambassador Hardin-class)USS Jones (Intrepid-class)USS Jones (Saber-class) Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Mission-class courier starships
Starfleet CouraEdward PellewGalileoHuygensJgonasJohn Paul JonesKuiperMagnanMissionPetonWalkad Emblem of the United Federation of Planets.
Private vessels Eridani StarTerri BearTwo BrothersWerewolf (aka Illusion)



The ship was presumably named for 18th century American naval commander John Paul Jones.
