Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see King.

The USS Martin Luther King, Jr. was a 23rd century Federation starship, a spacecraft in Starfleet service around the 2240s[1] decade. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds")

Service history and disposition[]


This ship was named for Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., a Human from 20th century Earth. In the 1960s, he was civil rights leader.

Active service[]

Una Chin-Riley 2240s

Ensign Una Chin-Riley.

The Human Una Chin-Riley studied at the Illyrian Cultural Academy in the 2230s. She graduated first in her class in the year 2240 and joined Starfleet. (TOS novel: The Children of Kings)

She served on the Martin Luther King, Jr. when a Mark IV liferaft was found. Ensign Chin-Riley was among the first people to rescue La'an Noonien-Singh, the last known survivor of the Federation colony ship SS Puget Sound. The two women bonded over that experience, and Noonien-Singh was inspired to join Starfleet as well. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds")


La'an Noonien-Singh

La'an Noonien-Singh in 2259.

In the late 2250s, Una and La'an served together aboard the USS Enterprise. On stardate 1739.12/2259.42 in 2259, Lieutenant Noonien-Singh recalled her encounter with the Martin Luther King Jr. during a rescue mission for Lieutenant Commander Chin-Riley. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds")

In 2376, Starfleet operated the Federation construction ship USS M.L. King. (ST video game: Armada)

In 2377, Starfleet operated the Federation construction ship USS M.L. King, Jr. (ST video game: Armada II)




Ships named King
Federation, Starfleet USS King DavidUSS King George VUSS King RichardUSS Kings DestroyerUSS M.L. KingUSS M.L. King, Jr.USS Martin Luther King Jr.USS Preston King Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force IKV Battle KingIKV Dragon KingIKV Fire KingIKV Storm KingIKV War King Klingon Empire icon image.
Gorn Hegemony, Space Command King Snake-class Gorn Hegemony icon image.

Appearances and references[]


External link[]
