Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Niagara.

The USS Niagara (NCC-110) was a 22nd century United Earth starship, a Discovery-class scout in Humanity's United Earth Starfleet service in the 2150s decade. Its commanding officer was a captain nicknamed "Reggie". (ST video game: Legacy)

Service history and disposition[]

USS Niagara had entered service in the 22nd century and saw action against the Romulan Star Empire during the Earth-Romulan War in the year 2159. (ST video game: Legacy)

In late April or early May, "Reggie" and the Niagara ferried the experienced Starfleet officer Jonathan Archer to a starbase for a rendezvous with Archer's Enterprise NX-01. Reggie briefed Archer on new orders to complete an assignment requested by the Vulcans and promised there would be no involvement with Orions. (ST video game: Legacy mission: "Those in Need")

Following a hostile encounter with the Romulans during the mission on behalf of the Confederacy of Vulcan, Archer was authorised to requisition Niagara or one of the other three available Discovery-class scouts for a mission to Research Station Gravenor. (ST video game: Legacy mission: "Breakwater")


In the 24th century, the name Niagara had passed onto the USS Niagara and the Niagara-class fast cruiser it represented. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Price of Freedom)




Discovery-class scout starships
Seal of United Earth. ConestogaUSS DiscoveryUSS NebraskaUSS NiagaraUSS Patton Seal of United Earth's Starfleet.
Ships named Niagara
United Earth, Earth Starfleet USS Niagara (NCC-110, Discovery-class) UE emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
Federation, Starfleet USS Niagara (NCC-110, Discovery-class)Niagara (Class-F Shuttle)USS Niagara (Niagara-class)see also: Niagara-class UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.

Appearances and references[]

  1. ST video game: Legacy mission: "Those in Need".


  • The ship may be named for the Niagara Falls feature on Earth.
  • Outside of the "Those in Need" opening cinematic, no specific history or definitive final fate was established for this vessel as its name was selected for a scout by the Legacy game developers, and is sometimes placed randomly when its class appears.