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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Somerville.

The USS Somerville (NCC-1322) was a Federation starship, a Hernandez-class science vessel in Starfleet service in the 2250s decade. (DSC comic: "Discovery Annual 2018", STO website: Season 18: Awakening: New Intel Science Vessels!)

Service history[]

USS Somerville

Discovering the spores.

Circa 2251-2252, Somerville dispatched an EV suited landing party in an unmapped asteroid belt when something caused the rocks to move. Unfortunately, the away team perished before they were beamed aboard, but the samples of fungi spores were turned over to researchers Paul Stamets and Justin Straal on Deneva. Somerville's captain hoped it was worth her team's sacrifice. (DSC comic: "Discovery Annual 2018")

The ship was in service in 2410, when it underwent a refit to tier 6 Fleet configuration, becoming the principal "Fleet Hernandez intel science vessel [T6]". (STO website: Season 18: Awakening: New Intel Science Vessels!)


By 2261, the vessel had been succeeded in name by the USS Somerville (NCC-S471). (TOS novel: The Captain's Oath)

In 2410, a new USS Somerville was commissioned, based on the NCC-1322 design. The prototype of the Somerville-class was the fourth ship to bear the name. (STO website: Season 18: Awakening: Commissioning the U.S.S. Somerville)



USS Somerville in 2410.

All circa 2252:



Ships named Somerville
UFP emblem icon image. USS Somerville (NCC-1322, Hernandez-class)USS Somerville (NCC-S471, Capella-class)USS Somerville (NCC-93200, Somerville-class)see also: Somerville-class Starfleet emblem icon image.
Hernandez-class science vessel starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration Somerville Federation icon image. Seal of Federation Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Somerville-subclass: CarterHofmannMarotzSomerville
Terran Empire Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Somerville-class Reskava Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.

