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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Taylor.

The USS Taylor was a class II Federation starship, a Baker-class (mark II) destroyer in Starfleet service in the 23rd century.

Service History[]

In 2273 on stardate 2/1711.17, while the Taylor, and her sister ship the USS Richardson were escorting the USS Vindicator a research cruiser they were intercepted by a Klingon task force of eight vessels coming across the Neutral Zone. The Taylor and the Richardson were aided by the USS Bombay, USS Nelson, USS Houston and the USS Intrepid sent by Starbase 12. The Taylor and the Richardson, with assistance from the other Starfleet ships, were able to defend the Vindicator and fend off the Klingon task force but not without both ships suffering serious damage and one of them losing their captain. (FASA RPG module: The White Flame Starship Combat Scenario Pack: "Operation Breakthrough")

By the 2370s decade, this ship was no longer in service, having been succeeded in name by the Galaxy-class USS Taylor. (ST video game: Armada II)


ships named Taylor
UFP emblem image. Kensington Taylor (surveyor)USS Taylor (Akula-class)USS Taylor (Baker-class)USS Taylor (Galaxy-class)Zachary Taylor (freighter) Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Baker-class starships
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets BakerCooperKnutsonMirfakPetersonRichardsonStaffordSilverionTaylor Seal of the Federation Starfleet