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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Tereshkova.

The USS Tereshkova was a Federation starship in Starfleet service by the 2250s decade. (DSC novel: Desperate Hours, DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Sins of the Mother")

Service history and disposition[]

23rd century[]

In May 2255, the Tereshkova had a rendezvous with the USS Shenzhou at Ligot IV to welcome its new commanding officer, Captain Sonnisar ch’Theloh, and his new first officer, Itzel García, both transferring over from the Shenzhou. (DSC novel: Desperate Hours)

In 2265, the Tereshkova took part in a joint study between Starfleet and the Trill government of a rogue comet in the Trill system. Three members of the Tereshkova crew were killed during this mission, and the details classified by the mission leader, Fleet Captain Christopher Pike. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Sins of the Mother")

24th century[]

Oberth-class support craft variant

The Tereshkova with a Constitution-class warp nacelle in place of a secondary hull.

At some point before the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367, the Tereshkova had been mothballed. Following the Starfleet Reactivation Plan of the same year, the Tereshkova was recovered. A single Constitution-class warp nacelle was attached to ship to serve as the Oberth-class vessel's secondary hull. The Tereshkova was then deployed in the Dominion War as part of the Frankenstein Fleet. (Adventures RPG module: Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook, chapter 04)

In the 2370s, Captain Zhang Wei was in command and Ensign Frel served aboard as an exemplary officer. Following another Frel's theft of a runabout from Mars Station Ceta, Starfleet Command suspended Ensign Frel's credit stipend. Captain Zhang sent a subspace transmission to the Starfleet Administrator to have the Tereshkova-Frel's credentials reinstated. (Adventures RPG module: Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook)

Crew manifest[]



Ships named Tereshkova
Federation Starfleet USS Tereshkova (23rd century)USS Tereshkova (NCC-97936)small craft: Tereshkova (Gagarin-class warpshuttle)Tereshkova (Type 8 shuttle) Seal of the Federation. Seal of Starfleet.
Federation Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
USS Tereshkova (NCC-1811, Armstrong-type) UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem image.


The ship is named for the Human cosmonaut Valentina TereshkovaWP.
