Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Thant[1] (NCC-325005[1]) was a 32nd century Federation starship, a Friendship-class[1] vessel in Starfleet service in the 3180s decade. The Thant operated from the hidden Federation Headquarters space station. (DSC episode: "Die Trying", Shipyards reference: Starfleet Ships 2294 - The Future)

The ship may be named for the Human U ThantWP, a 20th century Burmese diplomat.

Service history and disposition[]

USS Thant

The Thant repositions itself for an attack run.

When the time-displaced 23rd century starship USS Discovery reported for duty at Federation HQ in the year 3189, Thant was docked when it was passed by the older Crossfield-class science vessel. During a debriefing of the Discovery personnel by Lieutenant Audrey Willa, the Thant was visible through the open shuttlebay door. (DSC episode: "Die Trying")

When the Discovery fell under control of the Emerald Chain, Fleet Admiral Charles Vance ordered all ships to fire upon that ship. The Thant performed an attack run on the Discovery-A. (DSC episode: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")



Friendship-class starships
Federation icon image. ThantYangYousafzaiunnamed Starfleet Command icon image.
Starships assigned to Federation Headquarters
{{{2}}} icon image. ArmstrongCurie-JCuyahogaDiscoveryDresselhausExcalibur-MGrechkoHansandoJubayrKardashevLaMarLe GuinLiu CixinMaathaiNoblePfauNogShogunSongThantVoyager-JYangYousafzaiZheng He {{{2}}} icon image.

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
