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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Toussaint.

The USS Toussaint[1] (NCC-87111)[2] was a 24th century Federation starship, an Inquiry-class[1] battleship in Starfleet service in the 2390s decade. (Shipyards reference: Starfleet Ships 2294 - The Future)

Service history and disposition[]

Intrepid class, Armada II

USS Toussaint in 2377.

The Toussaint was a successor in its name after a previous USS Toussaint active in the 2370s. (ST video game: Armada II)


Riker's squadron at Coppelius.

In the year 2399, the USS Zheng He and a squadron of sister ships was sent to intervene at the planet Coppelius after retired Admiral Jean-Luc Picard made a priority request for Starfleet and Federation involvement. Zheng He led the fleet, commanded by Acting Captain William T. Riker. The Zheng He squadron deployed in order to protect the Coppelius inhabitants from a Romulan fleet under orders to exterminate them. The ships of the squadron featured two different warp nacelle designs.

Toussaint ortho

Plan views of the USS Toussaint in 2399.

After Captain Riker made the squadron's intentions clear, the Romulan fleet withdrew. The Zheng He squadron also departed after Riker left the situation in the hands of Admiral Picard, who was in command of the hired starship La Sirena. (PIC episode: "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part II")

The Toussaint was equipped with the alternative nacelles compared to the Zheng He. (STU Issue 01: "La Sirena")

The Bussard collectors of both ships shared the same yellow color. The Toussaint had rounded warp nacelles, like the USS Maui, whereas the nacelles of the Zheng He were pointed, as on the USS Varian Fry. However, the Maui and Varian Fry had red bussard collectors. (Shipyards reference: Starfleet Ships 2294 - The Future)



Inquiry-class battlecruiser starships
Federation Starfleet standard configuration InquiryMagellanMauiMeknesNathan HaleRustazhShackletonToussaintVarian FryZheng He Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Avenger-subclass: AvengerBellipotentJusticarPhindaArbiter-subclass: Arbiter

Appearances and references[]


