Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Trumbull.

The USS Trumbull (NCC-72370) was a 25th century Federation starship in Starfleet service in the 2400s decade.

Service history and disposition[]

Soon after stardate 78186.03[1] in the year 2401, the Trumbull was among the Starfleet ships tracking down the rogue USS Titan-A, which was fleeing after discovering Starfleet had been infiltrated by Changelings.

Trumbull, alongside the USS Mestral and USS Yorktown, found one of the signal buoys left by the Titan-A. (PIC episode: "The Bounty")



Duderstadt-class science vessels
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets USS IntrepidUSS TrumbullUSS VasaUSS Zantra Seal of the Federation Starfleet
Frontier Day fleet
USS AkiraUSS CallistoUSS CochraneUSS DrexlerUSS Enterprise-FUSS ExcelsiorUSS FireswordUSS GanymedeUSS GilgameshUSS HuygensUSS John KellyUSS MandelUSS OkudaUSS PulaskiUSS ResnikUSS RheaUSS Hikaru SuluUSS SutherlandUSS TourangeauUSS TrumbullUSS VentureUSS ThunderchildUSS Zheng He


A social media post by Dave BlassMA states that this is a DuderstadtMA-class vessel, a new ship type named for Dorothy DuderMA, the late wife of Doug Drexler. Drexler co-designed the ships with Bill Krause. The class specification has not yet been published in any official works, but is likely to be verified in future licensed tie-ins.

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
