Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Viminal was a Federation Vesta-class starship in Starfleet service in the late 24th century. The Viminal was one of the first Starfleet starships to be equipped with quantum slipstream drive. (VOY novel: Acts of Contrition)


In January of the year 2382, Commander Jefferson Briggs of Starfleet Medical dispatched the Viminal to Arehaz in the Delta Quadrant to collect the forty-eight members of the Borg Cooperative and bring them to Earth. Doctor Briggs put them in stasis to experiment on their catoms.

While in stasis, Cooperative leader Doctor Riley Frazier was absorbed into Axum's gestalt, where she met Seven of Nine and confronted her about sending the Viminal. (VOY novel: Acts of Contrition)


Vesta-class multi-mission explorer starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration AventineCapitolineEsquilineHypatiaQuirinalVestaViminal Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Aventine-subclass: AventineBrigid-subclass: BrigidCaelian-subclass: CaelianEsquiline-subclass: EsquilinePalatine-subclass: PalatineRademaker-subclass: Rademaker
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
standard configuration ISS EsquilineISS Vesta Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Aventine-subclass: ISS AventineRademaker-subclass: ISS Rademaker