Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The University of Mississippi is an institution of higher learning in Oxford, Mississippi, on Earth. The university, also called "Ole Miss", was founded in 1848, and remained respected for its educational and athletic facilities well into the 23rd century.

History and specifics[]

Leonard McCoy, chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise, did his undergraduate studies and Doctorate of Medicine at Ole Miss. In 2245, an interplanetary gymnastics competition was hosted by the University of Mississippi, and held at the Menlo T. Hodgkiss Memorial Gymnasium on campus. (DS9 episode: "Trials and Tribble-ations", DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Old Souls")

In the Kelvin timeline, Leonard McCoy studied and completed his medical studies at the University of Mississippi. He also met his future (ex) wife Pamela Branch there. (TOS - SA novel: The Edge, TOS - IDW Star Trek comic: "Bones")


External links[]
