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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Mogai.

This is a list of unnamed Romulan and Reman starships of the Mogai-class, also known as Norexan[1] class.

By year[]


Deviations warbirds

At Romulan-held Earth.

In an alternate timeline where the Romulans conquered the Federation in the 2260s decade and enslaved Humanity, four Mogai-class warbirds hung in low orbit between Earth and its Romulan fleet station when William T. Riker and his crew discovered a Starfleet insignia in the desert sands at some point in the 2360s. (TNG comic: "Deviations")


Following the death of Praetor Shinzon in 2379, Commanders Donatra and Suran seized control over the Imperial Romulan Fleet. Their direct control included a fleet consisting of Mogai- and D'deridex-class warbirds. Around December 2379 and January 2380 of the First Splinter[2] timeline, the fleet was transported from the Beta Quadrant in the Milky Way Galaxy to the Small Magellanic Cloud through Shinzon's Folly in the Bassen Rift. (TTN novel: Taking Wing)

Working with Captain William T. Riker of the Federation starship USS Titan, the Romulan fleet returned to the Beta Quadrant before the Red King destroyed the galaxy. (TTN novel: The Red King)


Melponar triplets warbird

The warbird of the Melponar triplets.

In the year 2381, a Melponar-class[3] variant of the Mogai served as the warbird of the villainous Melponar triplets in the holonovel Crisis Point II: Paradoxus, written by and played by Ensign Brad Boimler aboard the Federation starship USS Cerritos. In his scenario, the sisters jointly commanded their warbird. It attacked a fictionalized Cerritos to steal the Chronogami time travel technology but was driven off by Captain Bucephalus Dagger and his Sovereign-class explorer USS Wayfarer. (LD episode: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")



Mogai-class warbird starships
Romulan Star Empire, Navy/Tal Shiar Aj'rmrAreinnyeBloodfireDekkonaDominusEletrixEliethEsemarFraireIntrakhuKerasKovalKytonisMakarOthrysRohallhikSoterusTaseivTerrinexTyravaValdore

Valdore-subclass: AethraStormcrow

{{{2}}} icon image.
Romulan Republic, Navy MogaiSimisunnamedMorrigu-subclass: MorriguValdore-subclass: ValdoreZdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Reman Resistance Valdore-subclass: RFV Zdenia {{{2}}} icon image.
Klingon Empire, Defense Force ArmorJotunheimGreathornKnightFairmightFermontLevellerOrion PrideVaultleapVertigo Emblem of the Klingon Empire.
Romulan Star Empire
(mirror universe)
ValdoreHiren's fleet {{{2}}} icon image. Galactic Commonwealth, Starfleet Excalibur {{{2}}} icon image.