Va'ne'meLakht, also known as Hiding from the Rage, was a place on Vulcan.
It was on the otherside of Shi'Kahr from Pelasht and was several hundred meters underground. The shafts were at the complex and was a refuge built for sunstorm weather as there was some of it just before the time of Surak though none since that age. It was meant to hold the whole population of Shi'Kahr and the environs which was why it was so large. Since that time, the Vulcan Science Academy had taken over the facility and made it into one of the biggest lecture halls known; it was used for meetings and even for ceremonial events.
Spock along with James T. Kirk and Leonard McCoy journeyed to this complex in 2275 during the Referendum that was being considered in regards to Vulcan seceding from the United Federation of Planets. (TOS novel: Spock's World)