Vekobet is a settlement in the Kendra Province on the planet Bajor.
Kalem Apren and Jaro Essa lived in Vekobet during the Occupation of Bajor. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Dawn of the Eagles)
In the mirror universe, Vekobet was the site of an enclave on Bajor during the 2370s where the members of the Bajoran religion kept what is believed to have been an orb. In 2377, Iliana Ghemor visited the Vekobet enclave to receive information on Intendant Kira Nerys' upcoming visit to Bajor, hoping to assassinate her. While there, Ghemor had an orb experience, where she learned of Iliana Ghemor's intentions. Some time later, the Kira Nerys and Elias Vaughn of the primary universe transported to Akorem's Rock outside of Vekobet to help stop Ghemor. (DS9 novels: Fearful Symmetry, The Soul Key)