The Venette Convention was an interstellar nation, a state located in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, strategically between the territories of space controlled by the Federation, Cardassian Union and Tzenkethi Coalition.
History and specifications[]
In the 2330s decade, Starfleet visited Venette. Cadet Beverly Crusher was part of that mission but experienced little of Venetan culture due to her duties of supplying senior officers.
In the early 2370s, the Federation made diplomatic overtures to the Venetans. When the Federation abandoned those efforts due to the Dominion War and failed to resume them after 2375, the Venetans felt snubbed.
Following the formation of the Typhon Pact and expanded Khitomer Accord alliance in 2381, the two blocs redirected their attention to the Convention after the Tzenkethi Coalition entered a formal friendship with Venette.
In November 2383, the Venetans loaned three outpost bases to the Tzenkethi. The operations there were investigated by the Starfleet ship USS Aventine, while Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Beverly Crusher of the USS Enterprise led a diplomatic mission to Venette.
Ultimately, Starfleet revealed Tzenkethi duplicity, and the Venetans rejected further ties with both blocs. (Typhon Pact novel: Brinkmanship)
- Venette