The Venus mantrap is an aquatic carnivorous plant lifeform native to the Cestine ocean on Cestus III.
The plant resembles a large water lily, but with two broad, raised leaves hinged along the center of the floating lily pad. When cilia along the leaves detect movement, the leaves collapse inward and digestive fluids emerge to dissolve whatever it has captured. Its primary prey are floating airflowers, but some sub-species of Venus Mantrap have taken to trapping birds.
The lily pad grows up to four meters wide, with the entire plant weighing as much as 7 pounds (3.3 kilograms). The largest mantraps are capable of capturing and digesting a humanoid. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Planets of the UFP)
- See also: Flowering vine plant, K-G giant cannibal plant, Hydra Epsilon III flytrap, Venus flytrap