Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Vorp was a male Ferengi, and co-founder of Eelwasser.

Vorp was childhood friends with Sluggo, and it was Vorp who, during one of their walks through the Bowog Bog, tricked Sluggo into drinking from a fetid pool of standing water. Surprisingly, Sluggo found the water tasted "like eel," and soon after, Eelwasser was dominating the Ferengi Alliance beverage market. With their new wealth, the two friends bought a mansion, which they shared with a collection of albino fangcats.

About forty years later, Sluggo was enticed to leave Vorp and become spokesman for Slug-o-Cola. Vorp became so despondent that he stopped feeding the fangcats, and they eventually killed and ate him. His final words -- "Everything is for sale. Even friendship." -- became the 121st Rule of Acquisition.

The Vorp Memorial was erected in the Bowog Bog in Vorp's honor, etched with these final words. (DS9 reference: Legends of the Ferengi)
