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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Planet map.

The city of vosTraal was the capital of planet Mestiko from the 2270s onward. It was located in the nation-state of Larenda, near the river S'rii Tuuliie. Prior to "The Pulse", the site of the city had been a provincial town called Hur-tuuliie.(TOS - Mere Anarchy eBooks: The Darkness Drops Again, The Blood-Dimmed Tide)

Books Two and Three of the Mere Anarchy miniseries identify the post-Pulse capital of Mestiko as Space Central. It would seem that the government seat moved sometime between 2270 and 2274, to a new above-ground location.
the planet Mestiko
cities and settlements Hur-tuuliieSpace CentralvosTraalYabapmat
nation-states GeltaLarendaTazokkaTralva
geography Ayanava ValleyNehdi ValleyThe Badlands
bodies of water Kemong RiverS'rii TuuliieTuuliie Bay
flora and fauna daggerleaf treefrostbuster mossgroundhopperkovnalaanurmillisnakenoggik treeRegulan eel bird