Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Voyager.

Voyager 1 was a probe launched by NASA on Earth in the 20th century.


NASA approved six Voyager series probes in May 1972. All probes in the series were built to virtually the same specifications, each consisting of 65 thousand individual parts. Those included a thermoelectric power generator, plasma and cosmic ray detectors, and a memory bank capable of holding 500 million bits. (Star Trek: The Magazine vol. 2, Issue 8: "Briefing: V'Ger")

Voyager 1 was launched 5 September 1977. It conducted planetary scientific observations during flybys of Jupiter on 5 March 1979 and Saturn on 12 November 1980. (ST reference: Spaceflight Chronology, historical accounts)

When Voyager visited Saturn in 1980 it discovered a hexagon storm in the planet's atmosphere.

In 2020, Shaun Christopher noticed a difference between the original pictures of the storm sent to Earth by Voyager 1 and the storm of that time. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)



Voyager program space probes
United States of America, NASA
(primary universe)
Voyager 1Voyager 2Voyager 3Voyager 4Voyager 5Voyager 6V'ger (evolved probe) USA icon image. NASA icon image.
Terran Empire, TASA
(mirror universe)
Conqueror VIC'qer (evolved probe) Terran Empire icon image. Terran Empire icon image.
Interstellar and deep space probes
United States (NASA) Pioneer 10Voyager series (Voyager 1Voyager 2Voyager 6) NASA emblem icon image.
United Earth Milky Way probeStellar series (NomadUNSS U Thant) • Wells series (Drake probe) {{{2}}} icon image.
Federation Starfleet gravimetric microprobeKepler series (Orpheus) • Quadros series (134) • Starfly One Bioprobe {{{2}}} icon image.
Others Barzan probeC/2018-G2Cetacean ProbeConqueror VICytherian probeJanvar FiveKataan probeKelvan Expeditionary Return ProbeKukulkan's probe • "Pup" • Tan Ru {{{2}}} icon image.

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