Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Vulcan shuttle was a 22nd century Confederacy of Vulcan auxiliary spacecraft type, a shuttlecraft in Vulcan High Command service in the 2150s decade. The Vulcan shuttle was used in planetary operations and as a transport, and was also carried aboard Suurok-class starships as part of their complement of embarked craft. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero")

History and specifications[]

Vulcan shuttle

A shuttle of the Sh'Raan.

In the year 2151, a shuttle of this type from the Sh'Raan docked with the Earth Starfleet vessel Enterprise to collect Ambassador V'Lar. (ENT episode: "Fallen Hero")

In 2154, Ambassador Soval was transported to the Vulcan High Command building on Vulcan in one of these shuttles. (ENT episode: "Awakening")

Kelvin timeline[]

Sarek's scout ship

Sarek's scout ship in 2259.

In the Kelvin timeline, this type of vessel was in use in the 23rd century as a scout ship. Following the destruction[2] of Vulcan at the hands of the time traveling Romulan Nero in 2258, at least one ship of this type remained in service.

In 2259, Ambassador Sarek used his scout ship to raid a D'Kyr-class science vessel in the 40 Eridani system to steal its red matter in a plot of vengeance against the Romulans. Sarek was ultimately stopped by the efforts of the USS Enterprise crew, but the red matter fell into the hands of the Romulan Star Empire. (TOS - Vulcan's Vengeance comic: "Part 1")

Known shuttles[]



Starship classes of the Confederacy of Vulcan and Ni'Var
By name D'KyrD'VahlKarekhMaymoraMerchantRazorSh'RaanSh'vhalSitarSolkar/T'PauSovalSuurokT'KarathT'PariT'Plana HathTal'KyrToj LolVahklasVoroth Confederacy of Vulcan icon image.
By type combat cruiserringship (Protectorate ringship) • cruiserNSS T'Pau-typeprobe shipretrofitted dorsal carrierrobot shipshuttlesurvey ship


External link[]
