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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Walker.

The Walker class was a 23rd century Federation starship type, a light exploration cruiser in Starfleet service from the 2220s[7] decade. (DSC episode: "Battle at the Binary Stars"; STO website: Age of Discovery: Jayce's Interstellar: Walker Class Crash Mobilization)

Technical data[]


The Poseidon-class USS Coto in 2159.

The Walker class was developed as part of Operation Next Step in the year 2195. Due to the size of its saucer section, the cruising speed was pegged at warp factor 5.7 but allowing for brief sprints at warp 6.9. (Star Trek Adventures module: Discovery (2256-2258) Campaign Guide)

This class entered service in the 2220s decade with the launch of the USS Walker (NCC-1202) in 2221. Advances in propulsion technology soon made it near-obsolete, and a number of these vessels had been mothballed by the 2250s. (STO website: Age of Discovery: Jayce's Interstellar: Walker Class Crash Mobilization)

The ship's structure was based on the 22nd century NX-class starships but with a length of 423 meters significantly larger. (The Official Starships Collection Issue DSC issue 1: "USS Shenzhou")

In the 2150s[8] and 2160s[9], Poseidon-class had been an early variant of the NX class. Its physical arrangement anticipated future Starfleet hulls. (ST video game: Legacy, ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Live by the Code)

Physically, a vessel of the class included a saucer section with a navigational deflector integrated in the bow, and, atypically for a Starfleet vessel, a bridge at the bottom of the saucer. A compact secondary hull was attached to the rear of the saucer, and sat between a pair of nacelle pylons with one warp nacelle each. A Walker had 15 decks. (DSC episode: "The Vulcan Hello")

By 2255, at least one Walker-class starship, the USS Shenzhou, had been in service for decades. Lagging behind in technical upgrades, it was not a match for an up-to-date Constitution-class heavy cruiser. (DSC novel: Desperate Hours)

This ship class was capable of atmospheric flight by means of thrusters scattered over its hull. It carried shuttlecraft and worker bees, as well as escape pods. It was equipped with lateral vector transporters. (DSC episodes: "The Vulcan Hello", "Battle at the Binary Stars")

The ship's armament included phase cannons, phasers, and photon torpedoes. (DSC episode: "Battle at the Binary Stars")

Service history[]

USS Shenzhou, ventral

Hovering in the atmosphere.

By 2249, it was considered an aging design. (DSC novel: Desperate Hours)

A ship of this class, the Shenzhou, was lost in the Battle of the Binary Stars on 11 May 2256.

Six months later, a picture of a Walker adorned a mess hall wall of the USS Discovery. (DSC episode: "Context Is for Kings")

In 2256, Starfleet Command directed Federation shipyards Yards 4, 32 and 39 to pull Walker-class ships from mothballs to partake in the Federation-Klingon War. This included the USS Walker. Vice Admiral Katrina Cornwell directed Bureau of Personnel to staff these vehicles with young officers. (STO website: Age of Discovery: Jayce's Interstellar: Walker Class Crash Mobilization)

Starfleet decommissioned this class in 2265. Remaining vessels were assigned to patrols along the Klingon and Romulan Neutral Zones, and loaned to civilian institutions. The last Walker-class ships were taken out of service in 2289. (Star Trek Adventures module: Discovery (2256-2258) Campaign Guide)

Following the transfer of Starfleet and House of Mo'Kai ships and personnel from 2257 to 2409, the Walker-class returned to service again. (STO - Age of Discovery mission: "Downfall")

Known ships[]



Walker-class starships
Federation Starfleet
(primary universe)
standard configuration EdisonPoomaShenzhouWalker Federation icon image. Federation Starfleet icon image.
variant configurations Georgiou-subclass: GeorgiouLancelot-subclass: LeondegranceShenzhou-subclass: KamranKennedyShenzhou
Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
standard configuration Shenzhou Terran Empire icon image.
Starship classes of the Federation Starfleet
subclass groups

Akira (AlitaArmitageThunderchild) • Ambassador (AlaskaNarendraYamaguchi) • Apollo (Akula frigate / light cruiser) • Cardenas (Buran) • Chesapeake (Mongrel) • Cheyenne (DakotaStargazer) • Concorde (Geneva battlecruiserPresidio) • Constellation (Challenger deep space explorer) • Chimera heavy destroyer (Manticore) • Constitution (AchernarBonhomme RichardTikopaiEnterpriseExeterExcaliburVesperKirkCrossfield (Glenn32nd century refit) • Danube (Yellowstone) • Decatur (Dreadnought) • Defiant (GallantIncursionNachthexenSao PauloValiantVigilant escort) • Dervish (GryphonHermes escortMaelstromTempest) • Destiny (NimbusOracleTrident) • Engle (Earhart) • Excelsior (BismarckCurryKirovNew JerseyResolute) • Galaxy (Andromeda (25th century)CelestialEnvoyGalaxy XMonarch cruiserRossVenture cruiserYamato dreadnought) • Hermes scout (CygnusMonoceros) • Inquiry (Avenger battlecruiserArbiter) • Hoover (Edison) • Intrepid (BellerophonCochrane science vesselDiscovery (25th century)JanewayPathfinderTrailblazerYeager) • Kumari (CharalKhyzon) • Luna (CometPolarisSolTitan) • Magee (Shran (escort)) • Malachowski (Helios (tug)) • Miranda (AntonReliantSoyuz) • Merian (Merian (dreadnought)) • Nebula (Magellan) • New Orleans (Lafayette) • Nimitz (Europa) • Norway (Oslo) • Nova (AuroraQuasarRhode Island) • NX (ColumbiaPoseidon) • Oberth (ClarkeGagarin (23rd century)GrissomSagan) • Odyssey (VerityYorktown (cruiser)) • Olympic (HopeHorizon science vessel) • Prometheus (CerberusHephaestusHestiaPhoenix) • Ptolemy (DollondDopplerKeppler) • Remora (Charger) • Saladin (CochiseSiva) • Santa Fe (Newport) • Saber (GladiusRapierUshaan) • Sentinel (EmissaryNomad cruiserVanguard) • Shepard (Gagarin (25th century)) • Solanae (HeliosMontgomeryOmega) • Sovereign (ArchonImperialMajesticNoble cruiserRegent) • Steamrunner (AppalachiaZephyr) • Vesta (AventineRademaker) • Walker (GeorgiouShenzhou ) • Wells (EternalOuroborosVerne)

Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
other named classes

AA classAakennAchillesAdvanceAegianAeolusAerieAkula destroyer / escortAmbassador HardinAndesAndorAndromeda (24th century)AngelouAntaresApacheAquariusArcherArchimedesArk RoyalArielAscendantAtroxAvenger (scout)BabcockBaderBakerBaton RougeBerenaBodeBolarusBonaventureBradburyBrentonCaliforniaCanadaCanopusCapellaCastorCentaurCentaurusCeresCestusChallengerChandleyChariotChimerChimera fast frigateChristopherClarke (25th century)Cle DanCochrane transportColumbiaCondor (raider)ContinentContortrixCopernicusCourageDaedalusDauntlessDeckerDefenderDeltaD'KyrDenevaDerfDrexlerDurrettEagleEclipseEdwardEinsteinEisenbergEl Doradofuture EnterpriseEpochEpsilonErewonEternalFederationFenlonFermiFijiFreedomFriendshipFrontierGagarin (24th century)GalenGallantGangesGenevaGenserGracefulGraysonGriffonGuardianGeminiHaleHermes fast cruiserHestonHoganHokule'aHorizon cruiserIcarusIlthirinIndomitableIntrepid (22nd century)IowaIstanbulIwo JimaClass JJupiterKarekhKeithKethkinKievK'KmarakKolm-AnKorolevLarsonLauroLaweyaLegacyLenthalLexingtonLibertyLokiLoknarLondonMadisonMakinMannMarklinMarsMarshallM'BengaMediterraneanMercedMercury (courier)Mercury (escort)Mercury (scout)MerianMerian (dreadnought)MessierMeteorMidwayMissionMissouriMobulaiMoKalMoscowMulciberNarcineNautilusNelsonNiagaraNoble laboratory vesselNomad escortNorthamptonOberonOdinOdysseusOkinawaOppenheimerOrionOsakaOverfieldPaladin battlecruiserPaladin destroyerParliamentPaladin (24th century)PerseusPioneerPhalanxPhantomPhiladelphiaPinnaclePiperPolluxPortsmithPralimPremonitionProtostarProximaPyotr VelikiyPyreneesRakotaRanger battlecruiserRanger explorerRanger scoutRenaissanceRickenbackerRigelRochesterRoyal SovereignSagittariusSamsonSaturnSawyerScorpioScryerScyllaSequoiaSevaijenShiKahrSierraSolarSpringfieldSulekSurakSydneyTangentTheophrastusThomas PaineThucydidesThufirTiberiusTiconderogaUniverseTheseusTripperTritiumTyphonTyphoonUkoraUlyssesUralUtahVenture scoutVigilant scoutVoyagerWallenbergWambunduWei-FaWellingtonWilkersonWizardYamatoYorkshireYorktownZodiacunnamed

general type

Defiant pathfinderRaging QueenSun TzuValley ForgeFederation assault shipFederation battleshipFederation cargo shipFederation colony shipFederation construction shipFederation cruiserdeep galaxy shipFederation dreadnoughtFederation freighterFederation frigateFederation galaxy shipFederation holoshipFederation heavy cruiser (2380s heavy cruiser) • Federation light cruiser (Constitution-variant light cruiserIntrepid-variant light cruiser) • Federation medium cruiser (Excelsior-variant medium cruiser) • Federation mining freighterFederation repair shipStarfleet tanker


External links[]
