Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Weaver-class was a class of cruiser used by Tholian Assembly space forces in the 2300s. It was one of the larger starship classes used by the Tholians during the 24th century. The class was comparable in size to the Federation Ambassador class cruisers, and was designed for both defense and exploration. Weaver ships resembled a long six-sided crystal structure, that had three smaller tetrahedral crystals spaced around the vessel's midsection at 120 degree angles.

To other spacefaring races, Weaver starships were a strange sight. Due to their semi-transparent sections which revealed a dull red glow of liquid rock and metal. Which contrasted with the ship's mirror-like hull sections that were opaque to all except the most powerful sensor beams.[1]



Starship classes of the Tholian Assembly
By name AmethystEmeraldFeldsparGarnetWeaverMesh WeaverOrb WeaverQuartzRecluseRubySapphireShardSpinnerTarantulaWidow Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image. Tholian icon image.
By type Chakuun fighterChakuun ghostshipTholian fighter2290s Tholian starshipTholian cruiser (2270s Tholian cruiser) • Tholian battlecruiser