Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Wheeler could refer to:

  • People
    • Wheeler (Operations), an officer aboard the USS Bellerophon
    • Wheeler (President), president of Mars
    • Wheeler (Yeoman), a yeoman in security aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Wheeler Stinson, second officer of Deep Space 9
    • Donald Wheeler, a resident of Sherman's Planet
    • Janine Wheeler, an ensign aboard the USS Defiant
    • John Wheeler, a 20th century physicist
    • Scott Wheeler, an officer aboard the USS Voyager
    • Tynan Wheeler, a CPO, deputy chief of security of the USS Aldrin
    • Anthony Robor-Wheeler, an officer aboard the USS Cooper
    • Randall Robor-Wheeler, a master sergeant for the Star Fleet Marines
  • Spacecraft
    • UNSS Wheeler, a DY-500-class spacecraft
  • Real-world topics
This is a disambiguation page — a navigational aid which lists pages that might otherwise share the same title. If an article link referred you here, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
