A wine is a type of alcoholic drink created through the fermentation of Earth grapes or similar fruits or berries, such as the berggren berry of Rimillia.
Types of wine[]
- Beaujolais
- boiling worm wine
- burgundy
- cabernet sauvignon
- Cardassian wine
- Champagne
- chardonnay
- Chateau Picard
- Chianti
- elbbarcs wine
- Ferengi wine
- firewine
- Gamzian wine
- geeza
- kavit wine
- Klingon bloodwine
- malbec
- merlot
- Mullibok's wine
- Pinot Noir
- pinotage
- p'losie wine
- Regulan wine
- riesling
- Rigelian bloodwine
- rioja
- Risan white wine
- Romulan wine
- Sapphire wine
- sauvignon blanc
- Silmic wine
- Spring wine
- torlan wine
- tulaberry wine
- Vulcan port
- wormwine
- zinfandel
External links[]
- Wine article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Wine article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.