Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A winged kurgo

A winged kurgo was a dragon-like reptilian animal native to the planet Jodarr. It had a hawk-like face and looked similar to a gordoon.


A kurgo was dark blue and feathered. It had a three foot long, hawk-like head, half of which was a beak, with a large forked tongue. It had six long, blue legs. Each leg ended in a small three-toed foot with a hook claw. Toes had 2 foot long talons. It had at least a dozen pointed, black spines on its back. Its blue, thick, feathery wings had a wingspan equal to the length of its body, about 25 or 30 feet.

It had a feathery tail ending with several broad feathers.


The winked kurgo was used for combat in the arena of the Emperor Ledoy in 2266. It fought old, deposed King Wobine, nearly killing him, even though Wobine was armed with a sword. (TOS comic: "Spore of the Devil")

Leonard McCoy thought the gordoon and winged kurgo were the same animal. While both were similar blue dragons, they had different tails, wings, different types of spines on their backs, and the kurgo had a forked tongue.


