Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Winter.
For other uses, see Chef.

Winter Wonderland Chef was the title held by an official in q's Winter Wonderland in the early 25th century. This chef acted as baker and cook, fashioning winter-inspired foods and drinks from ingredients collected in q's Wonderland. (STO - Legacy of Romulus mission: "Winter Invasion")


Until Wonderland year 2013 (2409), the special Wonderland foods were sold by the holiday item vendor to Allied officers for ingredients they had collected in the Winter Invasion and throughout the wonderland. In 2013, an unnamed humanoid became the dedicated chef and took up a position in the wooden gazebo next to the snow globe containing Gingerbread Colony. His mission was to "bake what nobody has baked before," as tasked by q. He wore a white garb traditionally associated with chefs on Earth. (STO - Legacy of Romulus mission: "Winter Invasion")

In W.W. 2014, Ambassador Neelix replaced him, and became the new Winter Wonderland chef in the newly refurbished gazebo. Neelix wore a variation of his Talaxian robes, held in the Earth's Christmas holiday colors red and green. (STO - Delta Rising mission: "Winter Invasion")

In W.W. 2015, the Gingerbread people established a new settlement in the Wonderland. The Winter Wonderland Chef Neelix relocated to Gingerbread Village, near the Pie Contest Breen's position. (STO - Agents of Yesterday missions: "Pie Eating", "Cones of Conduct")


These foods and drinks were offered by the Winter Wonderland chef in return for providing the chef with ingredients and a recipe:

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