Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Wolf 359 (also known as CN Leonis) is a star, located about 2.4 parsecs (7.8 light-years) from Earth, where it is visible in the constellation of Leo. (Reference book: Spaceflight Chronology)

History and specifics[]

The system's sixth planet, Wolf 359 VI, was a habitable class M planet. As of 2346, it was still uninhabited by any civilization. (ST video game: Infinite)

The Wolf 359 system was the site of a major battle between the United Federation of Planets and the Borg. In early 2367, on stardate 44002.3, a fleet of forty starships, under the command of Admiral J.P. Hanson, massed at Wolf 359 to confront a Borg cube en route to Earth. Using the knowledge of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who had been assimilated and given the designation Locutus, the Borg destroyed 39 ships, and took over 11,000 lives. (TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds", TNG episode: "The Drumhead", DS9 episode: "Emissary", ST - Strange New Worlds V novel: Final Entry, TNG comic: "Second Contact")

Debris from the battle remained in the system through 2368, when the Enterprise passed by the area bound for Mardion III. (TNG - Best of the Borg comic: "The Worst of Both Worlds")

A Wolf 359 Memorial Station was set-up and active as of 2409. (STO - Both Worlds mission: "Omega Molecule Stabilization")

System makeup[]



Stars, systems and objects of the Leo constellation
39 LeonisAlpha Leonis (Regulus)CN Leonis (Wolf 359)Delta Leonis (68 Leonis, Zozma)Eta LeonisLambda Leonis (Alterf, 4 Leonis)Mu Leonis (Mu Leonis A) • Omega LeonisOmicron Leonis (No'Mat)Theata Leonis
Sirius sector block
Orion sector Kinjer system (Kinjer Prime) • Lackey system (Lackey III) • Reytan system (Reytan) • Starbase 24 (Starbase 24's system) • Una system (Una II) Beta Quadrant locator logo.
Orion trinary system Stars: Pi-3 Orionis trinary star (Orion A, Orion B, Orion C)
Planets and moons: I. Orion I • II. Orion II (prison moon of Orion II) • III.: Orion III/Orion Prime (Luna Orionis) • HoanThaspa
Risa sector Bomari system (Bomari II) • Donia system (Donia) • Gamma Orionis transwarp conduitImaga system (ImagaImaga II) • Koolhaas system (Koolhaas Prime) • Omar system (Omar Prime) • Tazi system (Tazi Prime)
Risa system Stars and outposts: Epsilon Ceti AEpsilon Ceti B (Granicus binary) • Epsilon Ceti CEpsilon Ceti Outpost Alpha Quadrant locator logo.
Planets: Epsilon Ceti B I (Suam) • B II.: Risa (Inobe) • LowoionRusanej
Vulcan sector Beytan system (Beytan V) • Bhea system (Bhea) • Delta Volanis ClusterP'Jem system (P'Jem) • Pico system (Pico) • Wolf 359 system (Wolf 359 VI)
Vulcan system Stars: 40 Eridani A40 Eridani B40 Eridani C
Planets and moons: I. Ket-Cheleb • II & III.: VulcanT'Khut (T'Rukhemai) • IV. Delta Vega • V. Kal-Apton • VI. Kir AlepVulcanis VIIKerkhov (Kerkhovian moon)
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system)Antica IV (Antica)Antide Prime (Antide system)Archer IV (Archer system)Beta Renna systemBeta V (Beta system)Betazed (Betazed system)Boreal III (Boreal system)Canopus Major (Canopus system)Chalna (Chalna system)Clarus systemCoalition of MadenaDaled V (Daled system)Daran V (Daran system)Delta IV (Delta system)El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system)Epsilon CanarisGamma EridonGravesworldHalee systemHayashi systemHansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system)Idran Star ClusterIlecom systemJanus VI (Janus system)Jaros colony (Jaros system)Lauren III (Lauren system)Lima Sierra systemLorenze ClusterM24 Alpha systemMakus III (Makus system)Manark IV (Manark system)Manu III (Manu system)Maxia ZetaMelina II (Melina system)Milika III (Milika system)Miridian VI (Miridian system)Nimbus III (Nimbus system)Ogus II (Ogus system)Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system)Organia (Organia system)Pentarus systemPenthara IV (Penthara system)Razzbo systemSeiji MajorSeptimus MinorSerlaySherman's Planet (Sherman system)Straleb (Omega Sagitta system)Strnad solar systemThasus IV (Thasus system)T'lli BetaTorona IV (Torona system)Turkana IV (Turkana system)Tycho systemTyken's RiftVandor IV (Vandor system)Vaytan I (Vaytan system)Wolf 359Zeon MinorZeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (W)
Wagner-219Waji'kuWalorWaniraWasatWasnerWauoxicWeber 512WeimaWells Black HoleWenebWenyaWexelWeznThe WhorlWildonWilleniaWir'tekWokkleWolf 346Wolf 357Wolf 672Wolf 698Wolf 1246WorhundeljaWokapaWoki AlphaWoki BetaWoki GammaWozWWB7 Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (W) Weibak Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (W) WaznWezenWolf 359Wolf 424Wolf 498Wolf 515 Beta Quadrant icon image.


External links[]
